What is the standard of visceral fat? What should I do if it is too high?Medicine: 2 principles for effective elimination-HealingDaily-Health News

Obviously BMI is normal, bodyshapeDoesn’t look fat, why is the visceral fat too high in the health check? This is a common question many people have following receiving their health checkup report. Some people, even if they are not very good at eating and drinking, like to eat sweets or snacks, and they are also prone to accumulate visceral fat.becausePeople with high visceral fat are more likely to suffer from chronic diseases,increased risk of various cancersSo let’s exploreWhere does visceral fat come from? How to judge the standard of visceral fat?

Healing Day specially invites Guo Zhihao, the attending physician of the Metabolism Department of Xiyuan Hospital, to share with you instructions and teach you how to self-test!

What is the standard of visceral fat? Is it the same as body fat?

According to the distribution of fat in the human body, it can be divided into “subcutaneous fat” and “visceral fat”, both of which are included in the total body fat, and the units are also expressed as percentages.

  • subcutaneous fat:Usually include near the muscle and subcutaneous locationof fatits function is mainly to be burned and metabolized when we need heat,And have a certain insulation effect
  • Visceral fat:The main function is to protect the internal organs, such as anti-collision, shockproof, heat preservation, etc., if the ratio is maintained atReasonableIt can protect internal organs within the range, but if excessiveaccumulationinsteadpossibleaffect the function of internal organsthereby affecting health

The standard of visceral fat is generally below 9%-10%, which is a reasonable range. If it exceeds 9.5%, it is considered high, and if it exceeds 14%-15%, it may start to cause obvious harm to the body.ASAPimprove.

Not just because of eating too much oil!Doctor reveals 2 major causes of excessive visceral fat

1. Excessive intake of calories in a short period of time

Fat is the reserve of excess heat in our body. When the total calorie intake increases rapidly and sharply, it is easily converted intoscatteredfat accumulation,Affect the local circulation metabolismIt also increases the production of carcinogens such as free radicals

like eating a lota lotFried food, fatty meatinternal organsFoods that have too many calories and are difficult to use for the body, such as refined starch and trans fat, are easily converted into visceral fat and cause physical burden.

2. Poor body conversion rate

People who often have exercise and fitness habits and have a high proportion of muscle have a higher rate of energy utilization in the body and can quickly process a large amount of ingested calories.less likely to formVisceral fatexcessive accumulation ofbut if the life is often static and the activity is low,If you regularly consume large amounts of fatit’s easyexistIn vivo transferchangeinto visceral fat.

Dr. Guo alsoemphasizedue to the convenience of take-out and the rise of delivery platforms, it is more convenient to obtain food, and there are nooftenThe habit of exercising not only makes it easier to consume too many calories, but also makes it easier to accumulate visceral fat.

What disease risks does excess visceral fat pose?

While visceral fat exists to protect the body, too much can also bind, and excess visceral fat may increase the risk of the following diseases:

  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Increase the burden on muscles and internal organs
  • vascular compression, obstruction
  • Affect the metabolism in the body
  • increased cancer risk
Treatment day extension recommendation: (BMI standard detection of obesity has blind spots, ignore body fat, waist circumference and be careful to become invisible puff people)

How to detect visceral fat?Doctor: body fat meter is suitable for long-term self-monitoring

The value of visceral fat requires precise instrument testing, and the common household body fat meter, although compared with professional instruments, is less accurateProne to deviationbut it is easy and relatively simple to obtain, but it can be used for fluctuations in body fat valuesoflongto observe

When it is found that a certain age, body fatRateHowever, when the body fat continues to increase, special attention should be paid to the adjustment of diet and exercise habits to avoid continuous increase of body fat. Dr. Guo also suggested that when using a body fat machine, it is not necessary to pursue absolute standard values ​​too much. Long-term monitoring of fluctuations in values ​​will be more meaningful.

Clinical detection methods can be divided into two categories: imaging and radiation:

Image type:

  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (MRI):It has the highest accuracy in clinical use, but considering the price, the burden on the kidneys caused by the injection of the contrast agent, and the time spent, this test is usually not only used for the measurement of body fat, but is mostly used for disease detection, track.
  • Dual Energy X-ray Scanner (DXA):This method uses two kinds of low-frequency radiation with different energies to pass through the body, and further calculates the distribution of body fat. It has high accuracy and is cheaper than MRI.

Resistance class:

  • Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA):Different from home-use body fat machines, it is often used in medical institutions. Through the cross-comparison of the resistance of current flow, it can detect the proportion of muscle and fat.haveCompareexamplehigh accuracy, and the detection processfast,Safety,radiation-free. However, the resistance type will be presented as an average value, which cannot clearly display the distribution of fat like the imaging type.

What to do if visceral fat is too high?Two principles effectively reduce

Whether it is body fat or visceral fat,existinside the bodyyespresents a process of ebb and flow,onlyVisceral fatRelatively easy to consumeIf you want to eliminate visceral fat, you can refer to two principles:

1. Eat more high-fiber foods and avoid high-fat diets:High-fiber foods such as oats, whole grains, etc., can delay the absorption time of fats in the intestines, so as to avoid a large amount of fats absorbed in a short time, and alsorelatively difficultChances of forming visceral fat and hyperlipidemia.

2. Proper exercise:Optional moderationBreathless aerobic exercisesuch as jogging, swimming, cycling, etc. require whole body coordinationparticipateandadjustable strengthexercise, the intensity varies from person to personTake it step by step and don’t overburdendon’tToo much pursuit of high intensityexercise

In addition, pay attention to the length of exercise time. Generally, exercise within 10 minutes is anaerobic exercise, which will not burn fat. When the time is extended to more than 10 minutes, the body will automatically turn on the aerobic exercise mode and start to consume body fat. Blood fat and body fat, and the longer the time, the higher the efficiency. When it reaches 30 minutes, it can reach a peak period. This is the reason why the National Health Service set up exercise 333.

However, Dr. Guo also reminded that for beginners who have just started exercising, it may be too burdensome to reach 30 minutes at a time. It is recommended to use 10 minutes as a paragraph, and then proceed to the next stage following a proper rest.After the body gets used to it, extend the time of each paragraph moderately. It is not recommended to exercise continuously for more than 1 hour to avoid muscle and ligament wear and injury.

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Reminder for treatment days: The lower the visceral fat, the better?

In recent years, many people will pursue excessive weight loss, resulting in too little fat storage in the body, which will actually cause harm to the body. It is recommended that women’s body fat should not be lower than 15% to avoid menstrual disorders and easy fatigue. Dr. Guo also explained that the lower the visceral fat, the better, and maintaining a balance is the key to long-term health.

There are already many medical institutes, health examination centers, and mobile medical vehicles that provide physical health examinations. Dr. Guo also appeals to everyone to make more use of them.go toCheck to spot us earlyexternalUnobservable physical problems. In addition, friends over the age of 30 should also undergo regular basic health checkups, which can help us detect physical warning signs early and control them early, and it is also very helpful to reduce the chance of using drugs in the future.

Treatment day extension recommendation: (Which health check items have the highest CP value? There are 6 free health checks? 5 major QA for adult health checks)

Interview Physician:

Guo Zhihao, Attending Physician of Department of Metabolism, Xiyuan Hospital

Have a good chat and heal your healthy life

Image source: 123RF



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