What Taiwanese city boasts the best road design? The internet praises one county and city for being accommodating to unexperienced drivers.

Recently, there has been a netizen’s post of an aerial photo of Kaohsiung on Dcard, which shows a square road pattern. The post questioned whether Kaohsiung had the best urban planning in Taiwan. Many netizens agreed and commented that the layout of the city’s roads was easy to remember, which was an advantage. However, others pointed out that Kaohsiung has poor air and water quality, and the city’s development is stagnant. Nevertheless, Kaohsiung’s roads are still praised as being user-friendly.

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A netizen posted an empty photo of the street scene in Kaohsiung, calling Kaohsiung “Isn’t it the best planned city in Taiwan?”. The picture shows Kaohsiung street scene…

The road design of each city will have different appearances according to terrain changes, social needs, and safety regulations. Recently, some netizens posted an aerial photo of Kaohsiung, and said that the road pattern is very square. “Is it the best planning in Taiwan?” City?”. Many netizens were amazed by what they saw, and they left comments saying, “I studied in Kaohsiung and found that the roads in Kaohsiung are really easy to remember”, “Kaohsiung’s roads are very large, which is much better than other cities.” However, some Kaohsiung people pointed out two major shortcomings in life, and frankly admitted that they could not adapt to life from childhood to adulthood.

A netizen posted a picture on Dcardaerial photoLooking down at the street view of downtown Kaohsiung from a high altitude, I saw that every road and building was planned neatly, like a chessboard on a table. This made the netizen exclaim in amazement, “Is Kaohsiung the best planned in Taiwan?” A city with a square layout”.

Looking down at the street scene of Kaohsiung from a high altitude, each street is in order. Picture/taken from Dcard

As soon as the post was published, many netizens were very impressed, “When I lived in Kaohsiung, no matter how I walked, I couldn’t go wrong. Anyway, I just turned right and then turned right again. It was only when I lived in other cities that I realized that was not the case. , Walking into the small alley directly turns into a dead end, GPS navigation is also unfriendly”, “University lives in Kaohsiung, the route is super easy to understand, and there is no need for navigation”, “If you go to Kaohsiung, you can’t go back. It’s so fun to ride on the road. The roads are straight and straight so you won’t get lost, and you can also know the directions of east, west, north, south, and north by the road.” “Kaohsiung’s planning is very friendly to road idiots.”

There are also people who hold different views, “The main road is indeed very square, but the small road is easy to get lost”, “The square layout is indeed a criterion for judging urban planning, but I think it is debatable whether it is the best planning”, “Kaohsiung is good. That’s right, but because the urban area is long and narrow from north to south, it takes 40 minutes to ride a bicycle from Nanzi to Fengshan. Urban development, and the development of the urban area is stagnant. If other areas can be developed, I don’t know if it will bring a new atmosphere.”

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Some people in Kaohsiung agree with the advantages of the road that the original PO said, and also point out that there is room for improvement in other aspects, “poor air qualityandwater quality differenceI lived in Kaohsiung since I was a child, and my skin still has acne, and I can’t adapt to it.”, “I am a Kaohsiung native, the kind of native, the advantage is that the road is large, the price is relatively cheap, and the quality of people’s livelihood is slightly higher than that in the north.. .However, Kaohsiung cannot bear to look directly at the degree of traffic law compliance. For example, the famous Kaohsiung-style left turn in Taiwan, the law-abiding attitude of Kaohsiung people is a piece of shit.”

further reading

In conclusion, the road design of each city has its unique characteristics, and Kaohsiung’s square layout has its advantages and limitations. Netizens were amazed by the orderly and easy-to-remember roads in Kaohsiung, while residents pointed out other aspects that need improvement, such as poor air and water quality. Overall, Kaohsiung’s planning has both strengths and weaknesses, but it is still an attractive city for many people.

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