Include cool fruits thirst quencher cool down

In this hot weather, many people would find help by sleeping in the cool air conditioner. Going out to soak in the pool, going to the beach, various vacations, including looking for something cold to put in your mouth, which is inevitable among the shaved ice. and ice cream But what can’t be overlooked is the natural sweetness, like juicy, chilled fresh fruits. Even if it’s a cold fruit, the better it helps to balance the body in hot weather. Fruits often contain water as a component. 70 %-90% and is also rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, especially potassium. that helps maintain the balance of water in the body, whatever HELLO! Let’s see what kind of fruit is better.

in general cool fruit It is usually a fruit that is not too sweet. It has a slightly sour taste. and low in calories such as watermelon, pear, apple, mangosteen, pineapple, grapefruit, cantaloupe, dragon fruit, young coconut juice, etc. will help balance the body Helps reduce overheating imbalance symptoms such as headaches, skin rashes, constipation, heat in acne, blemishes, freckles, dry mouth, etc.

Watermelon, the fruit that is like the king of summer, is impossible to mention. Watermelon is a fruit that contains a lot of water. Sweet taste is just right. Helps to quench thirst, replenish water to refresh the body as well. Whether it’s cut, eat fresh, dip a bit of salt in the style of spicy people. Or take it to blend into a smoothie. Sliced ​​into a delicious dessert menu. Helps to quench body heat and also helps prevent colds Reduce fever. Alleviate the symptoms of oral ulcers.

Sali has a sweet aroma. And it’s extremely juicy, helping to extinguish the heat in the body. Just fresh, sweet pears, chilled and juicy, I can feel that my body is already refreshed. Plus, pears can also help dissolve phlegm. relieve dry cough Adds moisture to the lungs refreshing Helps reduce tension, fatigue of the body and mind.

Apple has many benefits. Until there is a doctor’s advice that says Just eat an apple a day. It is far from various diseases, which is a fruit that should be eaten with the shell because there are many nutrients. (But don’t forget to wash them!) Apples are high in fiber. low power Help relieve constipation. Let the excretory system work well. therefore useful for weight loss as well and also contains antioxidants especially in red apples

Mangosteen fruit that looks like a queen’s crown from the calyx attached to the head Until being called the queen of Thai fruits, mangosteen is a cool fruit. Sweet and sour taste with many properties Helps relieve heat in Juicy, thirst quenching, strengthening the body’s immune system and circulatory system to work efficiently. make the body strong and able to fight off germs from outside and high in fiber good for the digestive system

Pineapple is another fruit that is like a summer gimmick. The sweet and sour taste is refreshing and juicy. Rich in very high amounts of vitamin C Prevent and treat cold symptoms Help sweat, be a laxative, cure constipation, lose weight, nourish the blood, strengthen the body’s immune system. And it is also a fruit that can be cooked in a variety of both savory and sweet dishes. or processed into pineapple syrup Dried pineapples, jams, fillings, vinegar, etc.

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Pomelo is a fruit that is in the same family as bergamot, lemon, tangerine, and orange. It is a medicinal plant that has been used as a medicine since a long time. Grapefruit is a fruit that contains a lot of water. high in vitamin C Eat and feel fresh, juicy, quench your thirst and cool down. help appetite Relieve dizziness, dizziness, palpitations Brighten skin Solve colic, tight inflation rich in potassium Can be used to cook both savory and sweet dishes

dragon fruit
dragon fruit super foodThat has many benefits, high fiber, low sugar, just the right sweetness, juicy texture, helps add water, refreshes the body very well, can be scooped fresh or blended into a smoothie. Rich in antioxidants that help slow down cell degeneration Helps nourish the heart, nourish the skin, prevent blood pressure, diabetes and cancer, strengthen the immune system. And it’s also a fruit that can be eaten continuously without making you fat.

young coconut water
For the coconut, it might be a little different. Because it is a fruit that is both hot and cold. Because coconut meat is hot. But if the meat is separated and counted from the coconut water it will be considered cool fruit And coconut is another summer fruit that is reminiscent of the sea and vacation. Fresh coconut water has a mild sweet taste. It strengthens the immune system, nourishes the skin and also has high female hormones.

The hot fruits that should be avoided are durian, rambutan, jackfruit, guava, ripe mango, ripe papaya, banana Will be cool ), red rubies, etc.

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