Cancel your visit to the clinic, do not block the appointment

Mateusz Pawlak
11-04-2023, last update 11-04-2023 15:38

Last year, only in Warsaw outpatient clinics and hospitals, patients did not show up for almost 300,000. scheduled visits. These infamous statistics can be changed – and in a very simple way. Just call and cancel your appointment or change its date.

source: AdobeStock

“Don’t do to others what you don’t like” is the slogan of the municipal campaign, which draws attention to the problem of patients not showing up for scheduled medical appointments. The information campaign will last for the next 4 weeks – spots will be broadcast in public transport.

Queues to doctors are getting longer

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically deepened the phenomenon of the so-called health debt. This means that the waiting time for a doctor’s appointment has significantly increased. It is not only regarding visits to primary care physicians, but above all regarding specialist consultations, e.g. in hospital clinics.

– We want to make the residents of Warsaw aware of how big this scale is. 300,000 uncancelled visits are only data from our healthcare entities from last year, which relate to 9 city hospitals and a network of clinics. We hope that thanks to the campaign and making residents aware of the huge scale of uncancelled visits, people who cannot come for an appointment will cancel it, and another patient will be able to use this term – emphasizes Renata Kaznowska, Deputy Mayor of the Capital City of Warsaw. of Warsaw.

Data from municipal healthcare entities

In 2022, a total of 297,274 visits that had been previously arranged as part of outpatient specialist care, dental treatment, psychiatric care or medical rehabilitation were not canceled in municipal outpatient clinics and hospitals. Over 35,000 terms were not used for consultations in outpatient clinics, and nearly 260,000 are uncancelled visits to city clinics throughout Warsaw.



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