Rohit Sharma-led Mumbai Indians defeated David Warner-led Delhi Capitals in the Indian Premier League on Tuesday. After opting to bowl first, the Mumbai Indians bowlers picked up wickets at regular intervals. Mumbai’s bowling star was Piyush Chawla who took three wickets for Delhi. Congratulating him, former Indian coach Ravi Shastri made an interesting comment while commenting on Star Sports. “We used to say there are only two PCs, one Piyush Chawla and the other Priyanka Chopra,” he said.
Batting first following losing the toss, captain David Warner scored another half-century for Delhi, but it was a beautiful Test innings. Warner, who came out as the opener and stayed at the crease till the 19th over of the innings, completed his half-century in 47 balls. At the end of the innings, Axar Patel came back with 54 runs off 25 balls. Delhi’s other batsmen, including Prithvi Shah, once once more disappointed. In the absence of Bumrah and Archer, Chawla shouldered the full responsibility of the team’s senior pacer yesterday.
Meanwhile, Mumbai Indians won the IPL 16th season following consecutive defeats. But there too, the world number one T20 batsman Suryakumar Yadav remains unchanged. In yesterday’s match once morest Delhi Capitals, the player returned as a golden duck. Suriya is once once more embarrassed following slowly recovering from the embarrassment of the hat-trick golden deck in the ODI series once morest Australia.