The truth behind the female college students from Jingyi not returning to Taiwan is revealed; her new boyfriend’s identity is exposed and the park only provides protection until a certain day. | SETN.COM – Society News by Sanli Network

The Social Center reported that a female college student named Lin Yunxuan from Jingyi University in Taichung City disappeared several days ago. It was believed that she was abducted by a smuggler group to Myanmar. However, the international anti-fraud organization found her, but she refused to leave without her boyfriend. The organization revealed that her boyfriend had appeared in the list, but he chose not to leave at that time. This decision led to him missing the opportunity to escape from the fraud zone.

The organization warned the female college student that if she did not leave, she might harm her boyfriend. However, she was adamant and refused to leave until her boyfriend joined her. The park has given her a deadline and can only guarantee her safety until the “Water-Splashing Festival.” The park’s decision has affected the cooperation between the rescue unit and local forces, and the chances of rescuing Taiwanese from Myanmar have been reduced to almost zero.

Police investigations revealed that Lin Yunxuan left the dormitory on March 29 and went to London via Bangkok, Thailand. She used her passport to enter Yangon, Myanmar. The identity of Lin Yunxuan’s boyfriend, “Xiao U,” was also exposed. He was resold to another fraud zone and works in the human resources department. At present, there are at least three Taiwanese working in the fraud zone associated with him.

Social Center / Reported by Lin Yunxuan

▲The reason for Jingyi’s reluctance to return to Taiwan was exposed, and the park only guarantees her to the “Songkran Festival”. (Picture/Flip Screen)

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A female college student surnamed Lin from Jingyi University in Taichung City disappeared mysteriously a few days ago. She was once thought to be abducted by a smuggler group to Myanmar. The international anti-fraud organization found her, but she was unwilling to answer bluntly, “If my boyfriend doesn’t leave, I won’t leave.” At present, the female college student has been given a deadline by the park, and she can only be guaranteed to the “Water-Splashing Festival”; the rescue organization also revealed that the female college student’s hesitant attitude has seriously affected the cooperation between the rescue unit and local forces. Almost zero.

According to the police investigation, Lin Nvyuan and her family met to return home during the Qingming holiday, but there was no news, so the family reported the case to the police on April 2. After accepting the case, the Taichung City police traced and found that Ms. Lin left the dormitory at 8:00 a.m. on March 29. Before leaving, she gave her mobile phone to her ex-boyfriend. The flight departed for London at regarding 8 o’clock and entered the country while transiting in Bangkok, Thailand. After the investigation was assisted by the liaison officer of the International Section of the Criminal Bureau in Thailand, it was determined that Ms. Lin entered Yangon, Myanmar with a passport.

▲ “Will be locked at home” refused to return to Taiwan, and the rescue organization revealed that it had a dialogue with the female college student.

A female college student living in northern Myanmar has been found by the international anti-fraud organization, but she wants to stay because of love and does not want to go back to Taiwan. She wants to wait for her boyfriend to go back together. “Sanli News Network” exclusively revealed the dialogue between the two parties. The rescue organization responded to the female university student saying “You will kill him (boyfriend) if you keep it.” The rescue organization also found that her boyfriend had appeared in the list, but he refused to swim at that time. Only by crossing the river did he miss the opportunity to escape from the fraud zone.

The identity of the female college student’s boyfriend “Xiao U” was also exposed. He was resold to another fraud zone to work in human resources. According to the information of the international rescue organization, at least 3 Taiwanese working in the fraud zone were related to him. . Now that the park has issued a deadline, it is only willing to protect the female college students until the “Water-Sprinkling Festival”. If the female college students insist on not leaving, the rescue organization admits that it has seriously affected the cooperation between the rescue unit and local forces. In the future, the probability of entering the Burmese park to rescue Taiwanese is almost zero zero.

▲The female college student’s new boyfriend “Xiao U” was exposed and was found to have been on the rescue list. Currently, at least 3 Taiwanese are related to him to work in the fraud zone.

In conclusion, the case of Lin Yunxuan, the female college student from Taichung City who disappeared and was found in a fraud zone in Myanmar, has taken a new turn. Her reluctance to leave Myanmar without her boyfriend has caused serious complications for the rescue organizations trying to bring her and other Taiwanese citizens back home. The park where she is being held has issued a deadline, and her future remains uncertain. The international community is closely following the developments in this case, hoping for a safe and timely resolution.



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