Deputy Pauget obtained more than 2 million euros from the State for the Antibois hospital

While the hospital of Antibes-Juan-les-Pins continues to be noticed in the good sense of the term, the deputy of the 7th district, Eric Pauget, challenged, this Tuesday, April 11, the government to National Assembly and obtained an additional 2.6 million euros for the Antibois establishment.

Faithful to his campaign commitments, the elected official defended the hospital center of Antibes, “a vital establishment for all the inhabitants of our territory”.


“On January 26, with Jean Leonetti, Chairman of the Management Board, and Bastien Ripert, its director, we celebrated the certification of high quality care excellence at Antibes Hospital, told the platform Eric Pauget. It rewards the quality of care delivered to patients and the very strong mobilization of healthcare and management teams. While the national trend is to reduce care offers, our hospital is strengthening by opening 30 new beds and recruiting 40 new nurses.

A situation that is all the more positive as the hospital in Antibes “maintains an exemplary level of debt in order to meet all of the ARS’ criteria of excellence (Regional Health Agency) insisted on adding the deputy. A health establishment which is also preparing for the future told the platform Eric Pauget. “He has been able to adopt a bold establishment project which provides for an increase in beds, an expansion of the emergency room, the creation of a new medico-surgical institute and the reconstruction of the psychiatric buildings to compensate for the lack of space.”

“Underinvestment by the State”

Faced with the exemplary nature of the Antibes-Juan-les-Pins hospital, Eric Pauget pointed out “the lack of support and the under-investment on the part of the State.” According to him, “only 5 million euros were granted to the Antibes-Juan-les-Pins hospital on the recovery of the Ségur debt, when 125 million euros were paid to the Nice University Hospital.” “Madam Minister, the Antibes hospital needs the ministry and the ARS PACA to support it in its investments.”

An intervention that was useful, since the Minister of Territorial Organization and Health Professions responded favorably.

If Éric Pauget welcomes this additional envelope, he regrets however “the administrative delays which slow down all the implementation of projects. This undermines the morale of the management and healthcare teams. Madam Minister, can the hospital of Antibes count on the government to ensure a rapid release of this administrative paralysis for the benefit of medical action?

Case to follow.



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