5 habits to avoid them and take care of kidney health

modern life

The kidneys are necessary organs to filter waste and eliminate toxins, therefore, their care is essential.


Kidney stones, or also known as kidney stones, occur when minerals and salts crystallize in these organs and create hard deposits, which can affect any part of the urinary tract.

Dehydration is considered an important aspect that contributes to the development of kidney stones, says the portal for medical issues Medical News Today. “When the body is dehydrated, fluid moves more slowly through the kidneys, increasing the chances that salt and mineral compounds will come into direct contact and stick together,” he explains.

Smaller stones that lodge in the kidney usually do not cause any symptoms and the patient may not know they have them until they move into the ureter, the tube that urine travels through to get from the kidney to the bladder. bladder, where they can obstruct and cause pain.

For the above, Maintaining a healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical activity and a balanced diet is important to prevent the development of kidney stones.. In fact, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases of the United States gave some recommendations with which it is possible to prevent this condition.

1. Reduce Sodium: when salt is consumed in quantity, the probability of having kidney stones increases. Many of the canned, packaged and fast foods have sodium, so it is advisable to avoid them.

2. Get enough calcium from food: It should be taken into account that these foods should be consumed in moderation, because in excess can “block other substances in the digestive tract that in turn cause stones”explains the Institute.

3. Reduce Oxalate: It is advisable to avoid the following foods to reduce the amount of oxalate (compound that is produced as a waste product by the body) in the urine: walnuts, peanuts, spinach, among others.

5. Drink water: Keeping the body hydrated, especially water, is one of the most important changes that must be made in life habits to prevent kidney stones from forming.

It should be noted that, according to the specialized portal, Healthlinesome of the symptoms that should be kept in mind to see a doctor in case of persistence are:

  • Blood in the urine: It is usually a common symptom in those who suffer from kidney stones, sometimes the blood particles are very small, so tests must be used.
  • Fever and chills: when this happens the body is warning that there may be an infection in the kidneys or another part of the urinary system. HenceWhen there is fever and pain at the same time, you should see a doctor immediately.
  • Pain or burning when urinating: this symptom appears when the stone reaches the junction between the ureter and the bladder.
  • Urgent need to urinate: when you notice increased frequency to go to the bathroom, it may be a sign of this condition.
  • Back pain: When you have kidney stones, the pain is usually sharp and has even been compared to childbirth or being stabbed. At first the pain will be felt on one side and in the back. Later, it will spread to the belly and groin.

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