Improving access to care

I. – Book III of the fourth part of the Public Health Code is amended as follows:

1° At the end of the title, the words: “and dental assistants” are replaced by the words: “, dental assistants and medical regulation assistants”;

2° Title IX is amended as follows:

a) At the end of the title, the words: “and dental assistants” are replaced by the words: “, dental assistants and medical regulation assistants”;

b) After Chapter III bisa chapter III is inserted ter worded as follows:

“Medical Regulator Assistants

« Art. L.4393-19. – Persons holding a medical regulation assistant diploma may exercise the profession of medical regulation assistant, under conditions defined by regulation.

« Art. L.4393-20. – The medical regulation assistant ensures, under the responsibility of a regulating doctor, the reception of calls received in a center for the reception and regulation of calls from a care access service or an assistance service urgent medical.

“It contributes, under the supervision of a regulating doctor, to the optimal treatment of the calls received.

“It provides support for the management of resources and the monitoring of calls and interventions, on a daily basis as well as in degraded situations and in exceptional health situations.

« Art. L.4393-21. – The competent authority may, on the advice of a commission composed in particular of professionals, authorize individually to exercise the profession of medical regulation assistant nationals of a Member State of the European Union or of another State party to the agreement on the European Economic Area who, without possessing the diploma mentioned in article L. 4393-19, hold:

“1° Training certificates issued by one or more Member States or parties and required by the competent authority of these Member States or parties which regulate access to this profession or its exercise and allowing the legal exercise of these functions in these States;

“2° Or, when the persons concerned have practiced in one or more Member States or parties which do not regulate either training or access to this profession or its exercise, training certificates issued by one or more Member States or parties attesting preparation for the exercise of the profession, accompanied by a certificate justifying, in these States, its exercise full-time for one year or part-time for an equivalent total duration during the last ten years;

“3° Or a training certificate issued by a third country and recognized in a Member State or party other than France and allowing the profession to be legally practiced there. The person concerned shall prove that he has practiced the profession full-time for three years or part-time for an equivalent total period in that Member State or part thereof.

“In these cases, when the examination of the professional qualifications attested by all the initial training certificates, the relevant professional experience and the lifelong training having been validated by a competent body reveals substantial differences with the qualifications required for access to and exercise of the profession in France, the competent authority requires the person concerned to submit to a compensation measure.

“Depending on the level of qualification required in France and that held by the person concerned, the competent authority may either offer the applicant the choice between an adaptation course or an aptitude test, or impose an adaptation course or aptitude test, or impose an adaptation period and an aptitude test.

“The nature of the compensation measures according to the levels of qualification in France and in the other Member States or parties is fixed by order of the Minister responsible for health.

“Issue of the authorization to practice allows the beneficiary to practice the profession under the same conditions as persons holding the diploma mentioned in Article L. 4393-19.

« Art. L.4393-22. – The medical regulation assistant may use his training title in the language of the State which issued it. He is required to include the place and establishment where he obtained it.

“In the event that the training title of the State of origin, member or party, is likely to be confused with a title requiring additional training in France, the competent authority may decide that the medical regulation assistant will mention the training title of the State of origin, member or party, in an appropriate form that it indicates to him.

“The person concerned has the professional title of medical regulation assistant.

« Art. L.4393-23. – The medical regulation assistant who is a national of a Member State of the European Union or of another State party to the agreement on the European Economic Area who is established and legally exercises the activities of medical regulation assistant in a Member State or party may perform professional acts in France on a temporary or occasional basis.

“Where the practice or training leading to the profession is not regulated in the State where it is established, the service provider must prove that it has practiced in one or more Member States or parties on a full-time basis for at least one year. or part-time for a total equivalent duration during the previous ten years.

“The execution of these acts is subject to a prior declaration, which is accompanied by supporting documents, the list of which is fixed by order of the Minister responsible for health. The service provider attaches a declaration concerning the language skills necessary for the performance of the service.

“The service provider is subject to the conditions of practice of the profession as well as to the professional rules applicable in France.

“The service provider’s professional qualifications are verified by the competent authority, following consultation with a commission composed in particular of professionals, before the first provision of services. In the event of a substantial difference between the service provider’s qualifications and the training required in France, likely to harm public health, the competent authority submits the professional to an aptitude test.

“The service provider may use his training certificate in the language of the State which issued it. He is required to include the place and establishment where he obtained it.

“In the event that the training certificate of the State of origin, member or party, is likely to be confused with a certificate requiring additional training in France, the competent authority may decide that the person concerned will state the training certificate of the State of origin, member or party, in an appropriate form that it indicates to him.

“The provision of services is carried out under the professional title of the State of establishment, so as to avoid any confusion with the French professional title. However, in the event that the qualifications have been verified, the provision of services is carried out under the French professional title.

« Art. L.4393-24. – The medical regulation assistant, when issuing the authorization to exercise or the declaration of provision of services, must have the linguistic knowledge necessary for the practice of the profession and those relating to weights and measures systems used in France.

“The control of language proficiency must be proportionate to the activity to be carried out and carried out once the professional qualification has been recognised.

« Art. L.4393-25. – Are determined by decree in Council of State:

“1° The composition and operation of the committee mentioned in Article L. 4393-21 ​​and the conditions under which the person concerned is subject to a compensation measure;

“2° The procedures for verifying the professional qualifications mentioned in Article L. 4393-23. » ;

3° Chapter IV is supplemented by an article L. 4394-5 as follows:

« Art. L.4394-5. – The use without right of the quality of medical regulation assistant or of a diploma, a certificate or another title legally required for the exercise of this profession is punished as the offense of usurpation of title provided for in article 433-17 of the penal code.

“Legal persons may be declared criminally liable for this offence, under the conditions provided for in article 121-2 of the same code. They incur the penalties provided for the offense of usurpation of title in articles 433-17 and 433-25 of the said code. »

II. – Article L. 4393-19 of the Public Health Code does not preclude, until 1is January 2026, to the exercise of the profession of medical regulation assistant by persons who do not hold the diploma mentioned in the same article L. 4393-19, under conditions set by decree.



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