Exercising in the park or in the gym: which is better?

Nowadays, more than before, there has been evidence of people’s desire to care for their physical appearance and for having a body that is attractive to the eye, and for this reason, more than for health, the tendency to exercise is gaining more and more strength.

This has also opened a particular debate and it is the best way to exercise the body. Many have become accustomed to conventional gyms, while others have opted for natural exercise, which consists of practicing it outdoors and often using only the faculties of the human body. Running or calisthenics are two examples in this last category.

The truth is that the best gym of all has always been nature, that scenario in which human beings can test their physical competence and where I was able to develop that need for movement. In fact, renowned naturalist Georges Hébert drew that conclusion following seeing how people exercised in the various countries he visited when he sailed around the world. So you left it registered in your method Naturalwhich he published in 1912.

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What’s more, Hébert’s motto says it all: “to be strong to be useful”. This meant that man should exercise his body, mind and spirit in a natural way in order to strengthen his physical attributes and improve reflexes and other qualities.

The evolution of humanity has also led to the evolution of exercise. Apart from conventional gyms, there are other spaces that seek the development of these faculties through the use of human force, but in closed areas, such as functional exercise or crossfit, with boxes, ropes and tires instead of the green spaces of nature.

Indoor or outdoor exercise: which is better?

When analyzing advantages and disadvantages of the two exercise alternatives, the balance is quite balanced. In gyms people can find endless tools to exercise their muscles and group classes serve to socialize with more people. On the other hand, outdoor sports also give you the opportunity to practice regulated and more widely deployed disciplines such as soccer, tennis and others, as well as giving you the chance to choose between the freedom of going out for a run alone or being in a group.

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However, The balance tilts when looking at the psychological aspects, which benefit the outdoor exercise for six main aspects: mental health and well-being, academic improvement, personal and interpersonal learning, active citizenship, reduction of crime and antisocial behaviors, and long-term personal and social improvements.

Nevertheless, there is no absolute truth regarding the advantage of one modality over another. There is not even scientific evidence, since people’s preferences regarding how to exercise depend on many variables, such as proximity to gyms or green spaces, or the climate, or the economy or the weather.

psychology plays

From psychology it is more beneficial to exercise outdoors because of how relaxing it might be for people simply by seeing other spaces and being surrounded by air and nature, and not stressing out with doing a demanding exercise in the same space and with a lot of noise dammed up in an establishment. The sound and the natural landscape are sometimes more inspiring for the person doing the exercise.

In any case, whether internal or external, the recommendation is to exercise and not only for the purpose of having an attractive body, but also for the health benefits of exercising the physical, mind and internal organs, such as the heart.

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