For Years, Eschenbach SG Kindergarten Suffers Mold and Mouse Infestation with No Community Action Taken

Residents and teachers in the community of Eschenbach SG have been complaining regarding the unpleasant smells and mold in a makeshift kindergarten for years. Additionally, mice have recently been seen in the same building. Recently, the community has promised to improve the situation. The container pavilion was set up 26 years ago as a temporary solution, but it remains in use. The citizens’ assembly held on Wednesday had a citizen complaining regarding the moldy smell and frequent outbreaks of mold in the pavilion, and he urged the community to take immediate action to resolve the issue. A series of photos show mold visible both inside and outside the pavilion. School management and teachers had written to the municipality earlier, but nothing had been done to address the issue that affects not just the hygiene but also the overall health of the children attending the kindergarten. Despite calls for action, classes have continued as usual, forcing several teachers to consider resigning. After several years of only superficial renovation, the school authorities are now considering a more detailed examination of the pavilion’s building fabric and addressing the issue comprehensively by coordinating with other school properties.

Eschenbach SG

Mold and mice in the kindergarten – the community did nothing for years

For years it has stunk in a makeshift kindergarten in the municipality of Eschenbach. Mold kept breaking out, and recently mice have also been living there. Now the community promises improvement.


This container pavilion was built 26 years ago.

Linth-Zeitung/Markus Timo Rüegg

  • Residents and teachers in the community of Eschenbach SG have been complaining regarding the stench and mold in a school pavilion for years.

  • The container was set up as a temporary solution – 26 years ago.

  • Kindergarteners are also taught in the rooms.

  • At the citizens’ assembly, the citizens’ collars have burst once more. The school administration hopes that the community will react now.

The citizens’ assembly in the municipality of Eschenbach am Ober Lake Zurich from Wednesday evening had it all: In a speech, a citizen complained that the Kirchacker pavilion, a temporary school, had been smelling for years and always mold breaks out once more. Even mice would have nested in the pavilion. “I’m shocked that the community has tolerated the mold nursery for years. It’s regarding the health of children who go in and out every day,” said a citizen, according to the “Linth-Zeitung”. He urged the community to take immediate action and not allow children to study in the pavilion until the problem is resolved.

Pictures sent to 20 Minuten by a news scout also show that the pavilion has a mold problem. «The fact that it doesn’t look much worse in the photos is only thanks to the cleaning staff who regularly remove the mold removed as much as possible», says the news scout.

Explosive: The room most affected by mold is the room in which German is taught as a second language – a subject that many children from Parents with a migration background is visited. However, this has to do with the fact that this room is too small for large classes, says a long-time teacher who gives 20 minutes of information but wants to remain anonymous.

«We have been committed to replacement construction for 15 years»

Nothing happened following the citizens’ meeting: On Thursday morning, classes continued as usual. And this despite the fact that the municipality was made aware of the problem by a citizen at the end of 2020. The email is available in 20 minutes.

The teacher in question confirms the conditions: “The pavilion was built 26 years ago as a temporary solution. For at least 15 years there have been problems and the teachers and the school management are committed to replacing the pavilion.»

Teachers are considering resigning

But those responsible in the municipality only repaired the bare essentials and put the teachers off. «First a new gymnasium, now a new parish hall. Something always seemed more important than the classroom in which we teach kindergarteners.»

In March, the school management wrote to the municipality following the renovation of the pavilion for 2023 was once more not included in the budget. Now that’s enough for the teachers. Several asked for an interim report and are considering dismissal.

School President confirms need for renovation

The school president and municipal councilor Reto Gubelmann (independent) is responsible for the school system in Eschenbach. He confirmed to 20 minutes that the need for refurbishment of the system was “known for a long time”. Measures are being planned. The aim is to use “sensible synergies” with other school properties. The renewal of the various buildings is to be approached in a coordinated manner, and investments of CHF 5.5 million are planned for the renovation of the Kirchacker school building.

A mold infestation was not confirmed in a recent inspection in the Kirchacker. “Over the past few years, work has been carried out continuously on the pavilion, and mold has never been found either,” says Gubelmann. The house services had only reported that “periodic dehumidification devices” had been used in the rooms for several years to prevent the “temporarily high humidity”.

After all, following years of only superficial renovation, things are now moving: “In view of the reports that have now been received, we will examine the building fabric once more more closely over the spring vacation period, so that we can then take prompt measures if necessary,” says Gubelmann. If necessary, specialists are also called in. Gubelmann leaves open whether children will be taught in the pavilion once more on Monday following the two-week spring break.

A nasty surprise awaited employees of a shopping center in Malaysia following the lockdown: as they prepared to reopen, they encountered moldy leather goods.

Video: AP

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View Comments

The situation in the Kirchacker pavilion in the municipality of Eschenbach SG is unacceptable. For years, the conditions have deteriorated to the point where both mold and mice are present in the kindergarten. Despite complaints from residents and teachers, the community did nothing for years. Unfortunately, the issue has yet to be resolved, and repairs to the pavilion are only now being planned. We can only hope that this time, the community follows through on their promises and provides a safe and healthy environment for the children attending the kindergarten. The health and well-being of children should always be a top priority, and it’s essential for communities to take responsibility for providing safe learning environments for their youngest residents.



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