How to relieve bloating and stomach gas naturally?

Today many people suffer from stomach aches and gas which, over time, become uncomfortable. Gas or flatulence are produced when the body accumulates air in the stomach excessively, something that can become annoying, painful and even cause nausea.

In the same way, poor digestion can cause gas, either by eating certain types of food, making a bad combination in the diet, or eating abundant food.

To control and eliminate stomach gases, there are different natural remedies, among them are:

It is very useful to improve digestion and control stomach gases. It is important to eat it fresh, either alone or together with other foods.

Chamomile tea relaxes the stomach and helps to improve the digestion process in a natural way. Ideally, people should take it before and following eating.

Another very simple home and natural remedy is to apply a towel moistened in hot water to the stomach, as this process promotes relaxation of the stomach and the expulsion of gases.

5. Apple cider vinegar and honey

The portal unCOMO ensures that “combining apple cider vinegar and honey helps eliminate intestinal gas”. To do this, in a glass of water you must add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and two of honey. Ideally, the person should drink this mixture little by little during lunch or dinner. Vinegar and honey can help eliminate gas, as it favors the regulation of stomach acids and facilitates intestinal transit.

The person can drink ginger tea, take a tablespoon of grated ginger before meals or also add small amounts of dried or fresh to meals. All this will help control and alleviate the gas problem.

It is a spice, which can be added to meals, with the ability to stimulate proper digestion, avoiding gas and colic.

9. Dandelion tea

Dandelion is a medicinal plant with numerous benefits for different health problems, including those related to digestion. In accordance with Mayo Clinic, “Drinking this type of tea before meals prevents gas, it can also be consumed with already prepared meals as long as it is dry and crushed.” Fresh or dried parsley in food is a home remedy that works very well to control gas production in the intestine.

Another alternative is to take a carbon supplement before each meal, since it prevents the formation of flatulence by absorbing the air that is in the intestines, which is what causes it.

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