Funeral of Hadja Djénè Kaba Condé: the truths Taliby Dabo at the CNRD

This Monday, April 10, 2023, Taliby Dabo, member of the national coordination of the RPG in Upper Guinea spoke regarding the death of the former first lady Hadja Djénè Kaba Condé, in the program Mirador de FIM fm.

Like other Guineans, this member of the RPG condemned the statement of grievances of the Presidency of the Republic of Guinea which completely ignored former President Alpha Condé

This is why Mr. Taliby Dabo told his truths to the CNRD concerning the funeral of the former first lady. ” There Islamic religion clearly says that only the husband has the right to the funeral of his deceased wife. Neither her father nor her mother nor her parents can have authority over her.

That people stop arguing or saying that they are going to go through other people to do the funeral. Only President Alpha Condé has the last word for his wife’s funeral. If he decides that the body goes through Istanbul to Kankan via Bamako, that will be the case. If he also decides that it goes through Conakry, it happens that way. It is her husband who has a last prayer for God to welcome her into his eternal paradise. (…). “, he said.

Daouda Yansané



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