Jan Böhmermann and Olli Schulz comment on the Eurovision Song Contest for FM4

What belongs together is finally coming together! For the first time, late-night comedian Jan Böhmermann and musician Olli Schulz will host the final of the Eurovision Song Contest on FM4 on May 13, 2023 – live from Liverpool.

By Alex Wagner

The Eurovision Song Contest has a long tradition on FM4. As early as 1995, a few weeks following the start of the station, the FM4 comedians Dirk Stermann and Christoph Grissemann commented on the Eurovision Song Contest in their usual smug way for the first time – and thus triggered a media echo that went far beyond the station’s borders. Dozens of listeners have asked whether the two will be back at the start the following year.

The final of the Eurovision Song Contest on May 13, 2023 with Jan Böhmermann and Olli Schulz. Live from Liverpool. From 9 p.m. on Radio FM4 and in the video stream on fm4.ORF.at.

Stermann and Grissemann moderated the ESC for FM4 a total of nine times before concentrating on their ORF late night show on television. In 2022, following a break of several years, Hannes Duscher and Roli Gratzer took over and breathed new life into the cherished tradition with their show “Melodien aus Turin”. But this year everything is different.

Biggest FM4 campaign in the station’s history

For the first time, Radio FM4 will be there live for the broadcast of the Eurovision Song Contest. And for the first time, Jan Böhmermann and Olli Schulz will comment live on the ESC for FM4.

“Of course, these are huge, smelly shoes that we have to slip into, but we will try to bring our own color into it.”

Olli Schulz says regarding the connection to FM4: “I’ve often worked with FM4, and FM4 is a station that has always been kind to me as a musician.” And Jan Böhmermann adds: “It’s regarding culture, regarding music, regarding international understanding. And of course it is also regarding the fact that we want to give something back to Austria.”

FM4 broadcaster Dodo Roščić is delighted: “The good old FM4 ‘Song Contest, but in a good way’ tradition is being raised this year by Jan Böhmermann and Olli Schulz to a level that neither we nor the Song Contest thought possible .”

Joseph Strauch

For months, Jan Böhmermann and Olli Schulz have been talking in their successful Spotify podcast “Fest & Flauschig” regarding wanting to comment live on the Eurovision Song Contest. “We’re not only there to promote and feature Austria, but also to humiliate all other European countries, especially Germany,” says Jan Böhmermann in an FM4 interview.

“You actually make our lifelong dream come true by allowing us to do this!”

The two will comment on the final of the Eurovision Song Contest on May 13, 2023 in Liverpool. Live from 9 p.m. on Radio FM4 and in the video stream on fm4.ORF.at.

Jan Böhmermann is known as a satirist and late-night host. Since 2020 he has been moderating the “ZDF Magazine Royale’ and he and his team devote themselves to investigative topics such as the NSU files, lax online police investigations and the methods of the tabloid press. With his “diatribe’ He almost triggered a German state affair via Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Olli Schulz is a German singer-songwriter, actor and presenter. He is a regular guest in German TV productions (“Who steals the show from me”, “Circus HalliGalli”, “Sesame Street”). Together with Jan Böhmermann, he publishes the podcast “Fest & Flauschig” twice a week, one of the most popular German-language podcasts on Spotify.



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