BNA leader in financial inclusion through loans to women’s SMEs, micro-enterprises and vulnerable sectors

Within the framework of the deepening of the financial inclusion policy, the Banco de la Nación Argentina (BNA) granted, from 2022 to the first quarter of this year, more than $6,000 million pesos in loans to some 3,000 Small and Medium Companies (MiPyMEs) from all over the country led or managed by women, transvestites, transsexuals, transgender and non-binary from all over the country.

In that same period, the BNA financed a relevant part of the productive activity of some 18,000 microentrepreneurs and microentrepreneurs in Argentina, since it provided $13 billion in assistance for investments and working capital and, thus, modernizing the infrastructure factory and increase the supply of goods and services for the entire population.

The president of the BNA, Silvina Batakis, stressed the importance of credit lines for companies led by women and for small entrepreneurs, noting that “a society must consider an economic model that aims at development and equal fair opportunities for all the productive sectors, above all, the most vulnerable ones”.

“At the bank, we are committed to upward social mobility, which allows us to grow and equalize opportunities, and open a path of development and more progress for the country,” he said.

The financial proposals of the BNA are included in the ´PYME lines – Carlos Pellegrini, PYME Productive Investment and a specific regulatory section for the Substitution of Imports and Exports, with FONDEP bonus´

Those options include a two percentage point rate bonus for loans of up to $2 million for SMEs led by women, transvestites, transsexuals, transgender and non-binary. Or, also, for cases in which the microenterprise has at least 50% of its payroll of formally registered female employees.

In addition, the BNA offers lines of credit and associated products for Individuals who carry out commercial, productive or service activities, as Monotributistas. This proposal aims to finance investments and working capital, with competitive rates, terms of up to 60 months. In this way, between 2021 and the first months of 2023, almost 13 billion pesos were allocated to some 18,000 microentrepreneurs throughout Argentina.

Another financial inclusion proposal points to a sector that has historically been neglected, such as the staff of private homes. For this segment, the BNA provided for the granting of loans of up to $200,000 for users with more than 16 weekly hours worked, while a maximum of $100,000 is offered for those who perform their duties between 12 and 16 Hours per week.

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