Footage released by a doctor shows a live tick walking over a patient’s eye. The shocking case was shared on TikTok by the portal Neuquen Capital, from Argentine Patagonia, in March and went viral this week.
According to the video, the patient, whose name was not revealed, sought medical help following experiencing intense itching and irritation in the eye.
While examining the patient, the ophthalmologist found the arachnid wiggling its squirming paws on the sclera, the fibrous tissue that lines the eyeball. The area was red and irritated.
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The doctor did not detail the procedures for removing the tick, but in this type of situation it is common for the eye to be anesthetized with eye drops and the insects removed with tweezers.
Ticks usually live in wooded and swampy areas. In addition to being nuisance, ticks also carry a number of infections, including Lyme disease.
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