How to plant and care for passion fruit at home

We are going to tell you how to grow and care for passion fruit at home so you can enjoy this delicious fruit. It’s easier than you think!

How to plant and care for passion fruit at home

Last update : 10 avril, 2023

Passion fruit is a highly sought following exotic fruit that comes from a plant known as passion flower. We’ll teach you how, so you can plant and maintain it like a pro. You can enjoy the beauty of the flower that adorns your garden and, at harvest time, you can enjoy juices, sauces and desserts made from passion fruit.

If you already did and want the experience of planting and nurturing your passion fruit, keep reading.

Where does passion fruit come from?

Passion fruit is the fruit of a climbing plant known as passionflower (Edible passion flower), which bears other popular names: blue passion flower or passion flower. It is native to South America, more precisely to tropical regions. However, and to the surprise of many, although it comes from warm regions, it is very resistant to other climates.

This plant is easy to grow and it should be mentioned that when it is 3 years old it is expected to reach 2 meters in height. Like a good climber, its stems grow by holding you to other trees or surfaces. It is even a great idea to use it to separate spaces in the garden or to add more privacy to the property.

Its flowers are a real spectacle. They represent both sexes at the same time, although they require pollination to reproduce.

They are distinguished by their beautiful colors, between blue and purple. Besides filling your garden and providing you with delicious fruit, you might use the plant as a source of alternative medicine. Still under medical approval, of course.

Scientific articles have detailed that passionflower is a plant with the potential to supplement the treatment of anxiety, in addition to providing anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nutrients. passion fruit also has a high content of vitamins A and C.

The gastronomic use of passion fruit is varied and can be made into sweets, juices and even desserts.

Read also: Passion fruit: 2 dessert recipes

How to plant and maintain your passion fruit?

Now that you know the benefits of growing passion fruit at home, we’ll teach you how to do it and how to care for your plant.

1. Gather the seeds

The passion fruit contains between 180 and 200 seeds, which you can select to start planting some in your home. You get them from a passion fruit you bought in the market.

Just rub your seeds to remove the pulp, wash them well and let them dry for 3 or 4 days in a shady place.

2. Prepare the substrate

To sow your passion fruit, you need to prepare the substrate. This should have earth, coarse sand and compost, all in equal parts. Thus, nutrients and good drainage are guaranteed for the plant.

In this sense, it is important that if you are going to sow it in the garden, take a stick to make 5 centimeter grooves. So the seeds will not be flooded when you water.

3. Place your seeds

With the substrate ready, it’s time to put the dry seeds in it. Place them in the grooves and with a distance of 1 centimeter between each. Use a mixture of the substrate described above to lightly cover the seeds.

Without going to extremes, when you have completed this step, you must water your crop. It is important to moisten the seeds, so that they mix with the soil and thus can begin to germinate.

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4. After sowing, you need to take care of the passion fruit

A few weeks following planting, you will have noticed small green plants sprouting and starting to grow. It is crucial that you start treatment quickly. Among them, fertilize with organic products. For compost, you can use organic waste or earthworm humus.

Keep the substrate moist, but avoiding waterlogging. Keep in mind that if it rains, you won’t need to add more water.

Also, make sure the plants get a good dose of direct sunlight. As the plant grows, it will need to be pruned so that it does not get out of control and structures put on it so that it becomes tangled. That’s why it’s a great idea to plant around a fence.

Finally, remember that passionflower flowers need to be pollinated to bear fruit. This happens naturally through the presence of insects such as bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Otherwise, it will be necessary to hire qualified personnel to carry out hand pollination.

Planting and caring for passion fruit is a simple process that will result in the possibility of harvesting healthy and delicious fruit. Pay attention to the color to decide the ideal harvest time.

5. Harvest the fruit

After planting and caring for your plant, it’s time to harvest the passion fruit to enjoy it in the preparations you want. Keep in mind that the ideal time to harvest is when the fruits are yellow or reddish ; this indicates that it is a ripe, ready-to-eat fruit.

Plant and care for your own passion fruit!

Now that we know all the benefits and properties of the passion fruit, and how easy it is to plant and maintain it, do not hesitate to do so. The attention required by this plant is basic and the end result of the recipes you will get from it is extremely delicious.

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