What foods are high in potassium? What should I eat?

foods high in potassium Classified as a source of potassium What kinds of fruits and vegetables are there in food? Let’s check the list.

foods high in potassium actually exists infoodIt’s close to the one that many people eat every day. But it is a way to eat that we don’t know that it is a food that has high potassium even But today, in order for us to choose food to nourishhealthbetter Let’s try to check the list that What foods are good sources of potassium? So how is this nutrient good for health? Who should eat or avoid?

Benefits of Potassium

Potassium is a mineral that is essential for the body. By acting to help the functioning of various systems in the body to function normally, such as

  • Helps to maintain the balance of water and acidity – alkaline within the body.
  • Plays a role in muscle contraction especially the heart muscle
  • bring various neurological sensations
  • Helps to promote the activity of enzymes within the cells that are involved in the energy metabolism process.
  • Helps relieve edema from getting more sodium than the body needs.
  • Alkaline potassium such as potassium bicarbonate. or potassium citrate Helps prevent the breakdown of calcium from the bones. Help reduce the condition of low bone mass density.
  • It can help reduce the risk of kidney stones. By causing the body to excrete calcium through urine decreased.
  • Reduces the risk of high blood pressure cardiovascular disease heart failure Because potassium helps lower blood pressure by balancing sodium levels in the kidneys.

If the body lacks potassium will be

foods high in potassium

If the body has low potassium levels Whether it’s from malnutrition. or certain conditions that cause a loss of potassium in the body We may encounter health problems in the contraction and relaxation of the muscles. May cramp easily Fatigue, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, weak body, nausea, vomiting often Heart rate can be abnormal. Including may be at risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs: Noncommunicable diseases) such as high blood pressure. cardiovascular disease or kidney stone disease can increase

How much potassium should we get?

Information from the Bureau of Nutrition, Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health. Lists the reference amounts of potassium that should be taken daily for different age groups as follows:


  • Babies 6-11 months should get 925-1,550 mg of potassium per day.
  • Children 1-3 years old should get 1,175-1,950 milligrams of potassium per day.
  • Children 4-5 years old should get 1,525-2,550 milligrams of potassium per day.
  • Children 6-8 years old should get 1,625-2,725 milligrams of potassium per day.

male teenagers

  • Ages 9-12 should get 1,975-3,325 mg of potassium per day.
  • Ages 13-15 should get 2,450-4,100 mg of potassium per day.
  • Ages 16-18 should get 2,700-4,500 mg of potassium per day.

teenage girls

  • Ages 9-12 should get 1,875-3,125 mg of potassium per day.
  • Ages 13-15 should get 2,100-3,500 mg of potassium per day.
  • Ages 16-18 should get 2,150-3,600 mg of potassium per day.

male adulthood

  • Ages 19-30 should get 2,525-4,200 mg of potassium per day.
  • 31-70 years old should get 2,450-4,100 mg of potassium per day.
  • Ages 71 and over should get 2,050-3,400 milligrams of potassium per day.

adult female

  • Ages 19-70 should get 2,050-3,400 mg of potassium per day.
  • Ages 71 and over should get 1,825-3,025 milligrams of potassium per day.

But in pregnant women from the second trimester, potassium should be increased from the normal 350-575 mg per day. And lactating women should receive an additional 575-975 mg of potassium per day.

foods high in potassium What can I choose to eat?

Different types of dried beans

foods high in potassium

in snack food Or a side dish in various menus such as beans, rich in potassium in the amount of 600-1,600 mg per 100 grams, plus high protein, low calories, can be enjoyed as a snack during the day

potato, sweet potato, sweet potato

foods high in potassium

Carbs like them are also a good source of potassium. You can choose to eat both potatoes, sweet potatoes, and sweet potatoes. But it is recommended that for good health, it should be avoided in the dessert menu. or menus that need to be fried, such as French fries or sweet potatoes But choose to eat clean boiled dishes like mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes, steamed potatoes would be better.

dried fruit

foods high in potassium

such as raisins or dried apricots. only half a cup Provides 16% of the recommended daily value of potassium. It is also a good source of vitamin A and vitamin E. but must be warned not to eat too much Because all dried fruits taste very sweet. May not be suitable for people who want to control their blood sugar levels.


foods high in potassium

There are many fruits that are good sources of potassium. And avocado is one of them. We can eat avocados in many menus. from smoothies Avocados with Honey, Avocado Salad, or simply eaten as fruit, and if you eat this fruit, there are many more benefits.


foods high in potassium

There are many benefits of bananas in terms of health. For example, some people eat bananas to help relieve constipation. In addition, bananas are rich in nutrients that are useful in a variety of nutrients, full of nutrients, regarding 400 milligrams of potassium per 1 medium fruit, which can eat both bananas, bananas, and bananas. However, the amount of potassium in each type of banana varies.


foods high in potassium

Both oranges like children or to squeeze and eat orange juice We will also get potassium from oranges. Comes with vitamin C But if eating orange flesh as well, you will get dietary fiber. Get more vitamins But if the weather is hot, you can eat cold orange juice to cheer up a bit.

coconut water

foods high in potassium

In coconut water, rich in natural potassium. Drink and it will help you refresh instantly. revive the thirst It can relieve various fatigue symptoms and is also delicious, fragrant and sweet. It is recommended to drink fresh coconut water from the child without adding sugar. It’s the best.


foods high in potassium

Kale, bok choy, Chinese spinach, spinach, kale, and other leafy greens all have potassium in them. You can choose to eat vegetables as you wish.

cruciferous plants

foods high in potassium

Or will switch to eating cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli will also get potassium for the body as well And also get fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, calories are also low.

Tomatoes – tomato sauce

foods high in potassium

not only juicy Eat and help make your skin beautiful and pink. But tomatoes are also a good source of potassium. And there are also manganese, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6, chilled, good to eat or use to cook side dishes are delicious In addition to fresh tomatoes, we can also get potassium from tomato sauce. Just be careful regarding the saltiness from the sodium mixed in the finished sauce.


foods high in potassium

Anyone who is a follower of spicy fish like salmon must love salmon even more. Because this kind of fish is not delicious enough. but also rich in protein Good fatty acids such as omega-3, and the potassium we need is available in reasonable amounts. Therefore, if we are not good at eating vegetables and fruits, we can get potassium from salmon. But it’s a good idea to eat salmon cooked and it’s safe. Far away from parasites than raw salmon.

foods high in potassium Who needs to be careful?

Although potassium is a beneficial mineral for health, But in some people, potassium should be avoided as well. like the following groups

Patients with kidney disease or people with impaired kidney function

people with kidney problems Potassium might be poorly excreted from the body. Therefore, foods that are high in potassium must be avoided. or limit the amount of food eaten By consulting with the treating doctor first to see how much and how much you can eat.

People with adrenal insufficiency

because it can lead to a lack of aldosterone hormones that acts to regulate potassium levels in the body And eating large amounts of potassium-rich foods can lead to retention of potassium in the body. and adversely affect health or may be harmful

People taking blood pressure-lowering drugs

Potassium also helps lower blood pressure. Therefore, taking it along with blood pressure medications can cause dangerously low blood pressure levels. Therefore, if you are treating high blood pressure with medication. Consult your doctor first regarding what diet you should eat to be appropriate.

Those taking diuretics in the potassium-sparing diuretic group

These diuretics can increase the level of potassium in your blood. Therefore, eating foods high in potassium should be avoided while taking this medication.

However, the normal diet that we used to eat is varied. Getting all the nutrients from the 5 groups in normal people would not cause any negative effects. But if there is a congenital disease or have medications that must be taken regularly It is advisable to consult a doctor or pharmacist whether you should eat or should avoid – reduce any kind of food or not, for our own safety.

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