Happy Maintenance | White hair can reflect physical condition? Inflammation constitution and hypothyroidism are all related! Nutritional supplements are available, but be careful with copper intake! What foods can be found? -Healthy life-Healthy life Health-ET Net Mobile

Gray hair can have other causes besides biological aging or genetic factors, such as:

smoking:Smoking can produce a huge pro-oxidation effect in the body, and the active oxygen it forms can damage hair follicle melanocytes.

mood:The International Journal of Tricology published an academic article titled “Premature Graying of Hair: Review with Updates” in 2018, confirming that bad emotions are the acquired triggers of gray hair. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, too much anger, thinking and worry, especially “the situation is in (white) color”, are all due to anger injuring the liver, thinking regarding injuring the spleen, and fear of injuring the kidneys. Over time, gray hair will appear on different parts of the head, for example: Gray temples—caused by stagnation of the liver and irritability; forehead—all due to spleen deficiency, too many thoughts and worries; the top of the head to the back of the head—caused by insufficient kidney qi, often worrying and panicking.

(Image source: Unsplash)

  Inflammation constitution:Whether it is acute (such as food allergy) or chronic (such as high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer) inflammation, immune cells will produce a large number of free radicals, which will reduce the skin hair follicle stem cells and damage the hair follicle melanocytes, resulting in gray hair .

  Hypothyroidism:The hormones produced by the thyroid gland are T4 (tetraiodothyronine) and T3 (triiodothyronine), which have many functions on the human body – they can control the body’s use of fat and sugar, regulate body temperature and heartbeat, and monitor the amount of protein in the body Manufactures, regulates metabolism and increases production of melanocytes. When the thyroid function is too low, the melanin that keeps the hair black will also decrease.

  Lack of nutrients in the body:A large number of studies have found that premature gray hair is related to the lack of the following elements: vitamin B12, vitamin D3, iron, zinc, calcium, copper. But it should be noted that when the gray hair appears, that is, when the melanocytes have stopped, even if the above nutrients are supplemented, the situation cannot be reversed. The key is that the above nutrients must be sufficient before the black hair turns white.

To supplement nutrition, the first principle is of course to start with food raw materials, but urban people live a busy life and have an unbalanced diet, so it is understandable to use high-quality supplements for the second best. But one thing to note: vitamin B12, vitamin D3, iron, zinc, and calcium can all be high-quality supplements, but copper is best not.

If the human body lacks copper, there will be osteoporosis, headache, anemia, weakness, pale complexion and white hair, but the daily safe upper limit intake is 8 mg, so it is easy to overdose with supplements; excessive copper will accumulate in the liver, causing “Copper poisoning” symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, low blood pressure, rusty tongue, liver and kidney damage, etc. However, eating natural foods rich in copper will not exceed the standard. Foods rich in copper include: oysters, lobsters, animal livers, mushrooms, black and white sesame seeds, cashew nuts, green leafy vegetables and spirulina. Whether you are a meat eater or a vegetarian, you can find copper-enriched delicacies!

(Image source: Unsplash)

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