What does it feel like when your blood pressure rises?

modern life

It is a silent disease that, when it appears, has generally already caused damage to the body.


High blood pressure is known as the silent enemy, as it is very difficult to detect and, Generally, when it appears, it does so through episodes where health is quite compromised.

This silent pathology can cause heart attacks and strokes, among other episodes that when they are seen, They have already caused serious problems in the body, because it does not have obvious symptoms and most people are unaware that they have it.

It must be taken into account that these signs will appear when the disease has advanced and cannot be reversed, putting the life of those who have experienced them at risk, which is why it must be constantly monitored and follow-up of any of these signs. symptoms.

High blood pressure can’t be cured, but you can learn to live with it, so experts recommend change the lifestyle for a healthier one that includes controlled physical activity and better eating habits.

Regarding food, it is important to start consuming more vegetables, fruits, whole grains and low-fat dairy; Likewise, it is key to eat foods rich in potassium and reduce or eliminate saturated fats. It is also important to eliminate salt from any diet or try to consume as little as possible.

Regarding body weight, it is key to have a strict control of it, Well, being overweight can be an aggravating factor and losing a few kilos can mean a reduction in high blood pressure. Regular exercise is also recommended to help contain it.

Specialists also point to alcohol consumption as one of the factors that can cause this disease, so they recommend putting it aside or limiting your intake to one drink a day for women and two for men. Smoking is also not recommended for people who have been diagnosed with high blood pressure.

Finally, you have to watch your stress levels, and not let the problems affect your heart or contribute to making your heart worse.

What effect does banana consumption have on blood pressure?

One in five adults suffers from hypertension, a disorder that each year causes more than 9 million deaths worldwide due to derived complications, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

According to the Spanish Heart Foundation, high blood pressure or hypertension is behind half of the deaths from stroke and heart disease, the leading cause of illness and mortality in developed countries.

A banana provides regarding 15% of the daily potassium needs of an adult, says the portal body mind. This mineral, like magnesium, favors the relaxation of blood vessels, facilitating blood circulation.

The plantain or banana is one of the great allies to treat hypertension, according to a study from Saint George’s School of Medicine in London.

Additionally, potassium has the ability to help eliminate excess circulating sodium in the blood through urine. When the body has high sodium levels it is exposed to increases in blood pressure.

Other foods that are a source of this mineral

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