Photo : LoL Esports
The 60 personalities participating in the soloQ Challenge of Trayton are divided into 2 categories: professionals (Exakick, Jezu, Nisqy…) and the streamers (Rhobalas, tiO, Wakz…). As the latter are supposedly “less strong”, they have a cash-prize except to win.
But we may have to reconsider our judgment. 4zr, the former Fortnite player has long raced in the lead. If since then he has fallen back in the rankings (currently 20th), another player belonging to the streamer category has taken over. He is now ahead of a certain Hans Sama…a player who clicks rather hard on League of Legends.
Who is the streamer dominating the leaderboard?
With 618 LPs at the time of writing this article, it is Back To The Dozo which dominates the soloQ Challenge France. This name may not speak to everyone given that he was never fully professional. But he still played competitively at semi-pro level, wearing the colors of CBI Esports or Glory4Build. He still has 2 games in ERL 1 (Greek league) to his credit, but he mainly played in Open Tour / MNT (French division 3). With the KILLERS, he participated alongside Cameto in Stage 2 this year. More broadly, we can see him regularly on the Kamel channel for evenings on LoL or on other games.
As a player, he is known for his Kled and Kennen. While the latter is currently very strong in the metagame, Zongo takes full advantage of it in his rush (18 games and 89% victory).
Some pros are not far away
Zongo should not yet claim victory, there are still 2 weeks of rush and the series of victories, or defeats, have arrived quickly. Behind him, there are several pros who remain very dangerous:
- Hans Sama (G2), 572 LPs
- Vetheo (XL) : 543 LPs
- SkewMond (AEGIS) : 513 LPs
- Zicssi (Entropiq) : 482 LPs
- NUC (BDS) : 476 LPs
We also notice that there are always 2 latecomers… Exakick et Targamas still haven’t made their first 10 games to appear on the leaderboard. Kameto meanwhile is still the only participant stuck in platinum.