Dear brothers and militant friends of the INSAF Party of Rosso
First of all, I would like to present to you my fraternal greetings and my wishes for a good end of Ramadan while congratulating our candidates for the Town Hall, the Regional Council and the two deputies for the confidence that the INSAF Party has granted them to defend its colors. in Rosso.
Allow me to remind you that I had the honor and the privilege of being chosen, initially, by the Party candidate Mayor of Rosso.
I take this opportunity to express, loud and clear, to the leadership of the Party, my most sincere thanks and all my gratitude for this high distinction which I received and which was well received in Rosso and elsewhere by many of enthusiasm and enchantment. Indeed, several segments of the population of the Commune of Rosso, including Grand Electors, opinion leaders and even radical opposition currents, gave me their support very early on. I would like to thank this great world and to assure it of continuity on the road to the social progress of the populations and national unity.
A provision of Law No. 012/2023 of February 23, 2023 relating to my ineligibility due to my position as General Manager of the company des Bacs whose head office is in Rosso was raised and the Party consequently withdrew my candidacy for invest my brother and friend the former Minister Bamba ould Daramane for a second term Mayor of Rosso.
As I have already stated, I welcome the significant progress made by my country in consolidating the clear, solid and rigid foundations of the rule of law and above all their respect by the citizens and institutions of the Republic.

Basis of agreement
As you know, the candidacies of the INSAF Party in Rosso, for the next electoral competitions, are now known and filed with the CENI; that is to say: the two (2) Deputies, the Mayor and his municipal list, the President and the list of the regional council.
For this critical occasion, I would like to quickly challenge the patriotic spirit and the sense of responsibility of the Heads of local structures (Section and sub-section) as well as the executives in a more general way to ask them to remember the results of the UPR in the municipal and legislative elections of 2013 and the more recent presidential ones of 2019.
This brief historical reminder requires all the political sensitivities belonging, in one way or another, to the INSAF Party in Rosso, to surpass themselves sincerely to find common ground for active and active support of the candidates invested to defend the colors of INSAF in Rosso.
Without claiming to have a magic solution capable of definitively silencing the divisions that have animated the political scene in Rosso in recent years, it seems to me, through what I have heard from each other, that there is emerging a basis of agreement and understanding on which we can tend to build unity of action for the elections in perspective.
Indeed, each of the candidates for the candidacy had declared, at the time, loud and clear to support, in any case, the final choices of the INSAF Party.
Now the Party has invested:
– Mr. Bamba ould Daramane Mayor,
– M Mohamed Vall El Alem called Mouttaly
– M Fall Roghaya Ahmed Deputies of ROSSO
– and the municipal and regional lists.
It is therefore imperative to translate, on the ground, this political position of discipline in the service of the Party and of support for its candidates, by solemn commitments and courageous public declarations on the part of each of the former candidates for the candidacy and the leaders of opinion that supported them.
Once this crucial step has been taken, we must then multiply all forms of contact to organize reunions between activists, old friends, parents, brothers and sisters who have been separated for a long time for no major reason.

Mobilization above divisions
Such an approach is urgent in order to create, on the eve of the last ten (10) days of this blessed month of RAMADAN, an enthusiastic and favorable atmosphere for the organization of a united electoral campaign that can lead, in this national electoral competition, to the victory of the INSAF Party in Rosso.
The popular demand for POLITICAL UNITY FOR ACTION in ROSSO is pressing for a consensual approach.

We executives and political actors of the INSAF Party in Rosso, have the duty to commit ourselves, all and without reserve, to win all the lists of our party and to bring our contribution, in the constitution of an overwhelming parliamentary majority to our President of the Republic, his Excellency Mohamed ould Cheikh El Ghazouani, in order to enable him to continue his momentum of economic and social achievements in the general interest of the Mauritanian populations.
It is obvious that when one wishes to work for the progress and prosperity of the populations of one’s commune, one’s Moughataa, one’s region, one’s country, one must agree to pay the heavy price of pains, hardships and sacrifices. To do this, it is necessary to create the conditions for a mobilization of solidarity, a broad, active solidarity, above the absurd and artificial divisions which have only harmed the general interest and the local political situation. of our INSAF party.
In a word, the patriotic burst and the commitment to the service of our Party in the resolute support of the policy of our President constitute an emergency for cohesion around the essentials.

In Rosso, our ethnic and cultural diversity is a factor in a constant and daily dialogue between our different communities. It is such a permanent feature of our society that it has naturally become part of our way of being. In the countryside as in the city, the populations of the Moughataa of Rosso live together, work together, suffer together from the same difficulties of life, participate in common political action, practice solidarity, attend the same family ceremonies, in short , hang out, like each other. There are many families in Rosso made up of parents from different ethnic groups in Mauritania.
The populations of Rosso communicate easily with each other because they all speak their respective languages.
They are a magnificent example of social cohesion and national unity that political actors must develop and consolidate. It is the sacred duty of the patriots and democrats that we are.
This is the reason why and beyond the current electoral issues, among our main objectives must appear, first of all, that of bequeathing to future generations this happy example of cohesion and mixing which are a specific mark of the identity of our city.
Moreover, we must move together, hand in hand, and get in touch with the populations, talk to them in order to prevent our country from dangerous extremist outbursts and other abuses likely to weigh down our patriotic momentum towards economic development and of our country in social cohesion and national solidarity.

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