Vegetables and whole grains to prevent cancer

  • Vegetables and whole grains to prevent cancer

The barometer ofNational Cancer Institute (INCa) on French people’s behavior in the face of cancer was published on the occasion of World Cancer Day. First observation, the main risk factors (tobacco, alcohol or the consumption of meats) are generally well identified by the people questioned. On the other hand, if the consumption of fruits and vegetables is perceived as a protective factor, the subgroups having demonstrated these benefits are less identified: this is the case pulses or whole grain foods. Lentils, kidney beans, chickpeas or wholegrain bread, pasta and rice are very high in fibre, and their regular consumption is associated with reduced risk of colorectal cancer. In addition, zinc, very present in these foods, has a protective effect, DNA repair, reducing the risk of cancer. In general, fruits and vegetables, rich in vitamins and minerals, help to prevent the occurrence of aerodigestive cancers (from the mouth to the colon-rectum via the lung).

Bibliographic references

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