this is how you can use garlic to blanch them

Age, genetic factors, habits and dental hygiene are key points that define the color of the teeth, whose main function is to crush food so that it continues its journey towards the stomach. Therefore, its pigment is not only a matter of aesthetics, but also of oral health.

However, sometimes the teeth have that yellow appearance due to the erosion of the dental enamel, revealing the dentin that is underneath. Dentin is a naturally yellow bone tissue that lies beneath enamel.

Hence the importance of being able to nourish the body with vitamins such as D, since By contributing to the absorption of elements such as calcium, bones and teeth will not be easily weakened.

Now the portal Panorama He reviewed a home remedy that might be effective in whitening teeth naturally. However, it is necessary to go to the dentist so that, professionally, the ideal treatment for each person is established.

The first thing is to grate the garlic cloves until you get a paste. Subsequently, cut the red tomato and squeeze until you get its juice. In a bowl, add the garlic and a tablespoon of tomato juice; then add the toothpaste and baking soda. Stir perfectly until you get a homogeneous mix.

Apply some of this paste to your toothbrush and brush your teeth for two to three minutes. This home remedy for teeth whitening can be done twice a week; however, it is important to continue to maintain proper oral hygiene, that is, brush your teeth three times a day and floss.

The flavor and versatility of garlic have made it one of the most used foods in gastronomy and as a home remedy. to treat and prevent the development of various conditions, due to its high nutritional density.

It is a nutritious food, which contains minerals such as manganese, selenium, calcium, copper or potassium and vitamins B6 and C; It has few calories, and it is advisable to include it in the framework of a balanced and healthy diet to enhance its benefits.

According to the portal HealthlineMost of its health benefits are related to the sulfur compounds that are formed when raw garlic cloves are cut, crushed, or chewed.

To consume it, the ideal is not to swallow it whole. The correct thing is to crush it or, better yet, cut it into thin slices and, if you want to soften the flavor a bit, mix it with olive, flax, walnut or coconut oil.

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