Bariloche needs more energy investments

The electricity demand in Bariloche is growing without pause, at a rate that has already matched that which existed in the pre-pandemic. and the CEB it will not be able to face it without facing new investments before the second high-voltage line from Alicurá is inaugurated, which is in the bidding process and would only start operations in 2027.

Bariloche and Dina Huapi are supplied today with the Alipiba I line (by Alicurá, Pilcaniyeu, Bariloche), which was built in the 80s, and was reinforced several years ago for a 20 megawatt thermal generation park operated by the company So Energy, by concession from the national government.

The president of the CEB, Carlos Aristegui, said that this mixed scheme works very demanding and is insufficient to provide a reliable service. He valued that the fundamental solution that the second line will provide is already on track, for an investment of 75 million dollars that Nation committed and for an Energy management of the province, which “took time and political decision, and that is to highlight”

But a couple of days ago, during the opening of the economic envelopes for the tender for the mega-work, the Río Negro Energy Secretary herself, Andrea Confini, reported that the work on the ground would begin this winter and that the complete work plan will require no less than 36 months.

If there are no major delays or budget reconsiderations, the new 132 kV line What has been pointed out for a long time as the essential infrastructure to ensure electricity supply in this city will be available, in the best of cases, not before 2027.

Aristegui acknowledged that they have that wait ahead but also left a margin for uncertainty. “It’s like when you get a salary increase: Until he goes through the cashier and checks it, he doesn’t take it for granted,” he said.

According to him, in the transition stage until Alipiba II can be counted on, the CEB will have to program other complementary investments, which should be paid with a tariff. He pointed out that the “cold reserve”, as the gas oil generation that So Energy must guarantee is called, might also be expanded with more equipment, although it is an expensive resource, which will also open up a debate regarding how it is remunerated.

Aristegui said that general electricity consumption in Bariloche grows at an annual rate of 3 to 5%, as was the case until the beginning of 2020, when it entered a decline caused by the health crisis and the paralysis of tourism. Today if there is a general cut (as happened for example last Tuesday) the cold reserve with its maximum capacity does not cover more than 20% of the demand. Aristegui said that, in those cases, they can ensure provision to the health, security, water pumping system and not much else.

Before Alipiba II is ready and with regard to the CEB, reinforcements might be scheduled in the electrical transformation capacity and in the placement of pre-assembled cables, to reduce the loss of electricity in transport, which is enhanced by the extension of the common of Bariloche. Aristegui assured, however, that these losses are not serious and are within the standard values.

He said that with the Alipiba I line and the cold reserve, the CEB plays with an always precarious “balance”, which will be accentuated in the coming years with tourism, the development of the technological industrial park, new investments in Cerro Catedral, the expansion from the hospital and the airport.

The work from Alicurá would begin before winter

The tender to build the second 132 kV high voltage line from Alicurá to reinforce the supply of Bariloche, Dina Huapi and to connect Villa La Angostura advanced a new step with the opening of economic offers, and the commitment of officials to sign the contract as soon as possible and guarantee the beginning of the works before winter.

The complete investment amounts to regarding 75 million dollars and will be faced by the national government.
The tender is broken down into several blocks, for which a dozen companies bid. The main lot is the construction of high-voltage power lines for 108 kilometers from the Alicurá hydroelectric plant to Dina Huapi, for which the joint venture made up of IPE Energía and Edvsa listed; Tel3 SA, Cartellone SA with Vial Agro SA and Lesko with Semisa.

The CEB will ask to update the rate

The CEB has already begun to outline its tariff proposal for the 2023/2028 period, because this year it is the turn of the ordinary review provided for in the regulatory framework, which is carried out every five years.

Carlos Aristegui said that the formal request will be presented in October. The president of the Cooperative took it for granted that the rate chart resulting from this process will not be fully applied until next year. He recalled that this was the case in the last review of 2018, when the regulatory body did not rule on the requested increases until late in 2019.

But Aristegui said that with the current levels of inflation they cannot manage with those terms and consequently they are preparing a request for an “extraordinary” review of tariffs, which they hope to present to the Epre this month. He said that it would be a provisional adjustment until they have the new rate resulting from the ordinary review, although he did not anticipate the percentage that will be requested.

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