“Partner of Ukrainian refugee attacked violently in Vaux-sur-Sûre”

An Ukrainian refugee, who resided in the Vaux-sur-Sûre transit center, appeared in the Neufchâteau Criminal Court on Thursday for allegedly assaulting his girlfriend on February 26. The incident has resulted in his arrest warrant. Upon arriving in Belgium last November, the man and his girlfriend were constantly in disagreement, with the former wanting to stay in Belgium while the latter wished to return to Ukraine, where their three children are residing. The February altercation was reportedly prompted by the girlfriend’s provocation, and the alleged culprit was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the assault. The attack was described as extremely violent, causing damage to the room’s furniture, with the victim being unable to work for two weeks. The deputy public prosecutor, Sarah Stévenin, requested a 12-month imprisonment sentence. However, the defense lawyer, Me Gaël Thiry, proposed rehabilitation measures, saying that nobody wants to follow up on the suspect’s case. The verdict will be announced on April 20.

Framed under good police escort this Thursday morning at the Neufchâteau Criminal Court, a Ukrainian refugee who was staying at the Vaux-sur-Sûre transit center (Remoiville) appeared for violent blows to his companion, on February 26, in the center.

Facts that have earned him an arrest warrant since then.

Arrived in Belgium from Ukraine last November, the man and the lady were in great tension with each other, he wanted to live his life in Belgium and stay there, she wanted to return to Ukraine as soon as possible, there where are their three children still.

Kicks in the face

At the end of February, the couple had a violent argument. The man claims that his girlfriend provoked and pissed him off all day.

Still, drunk and soaked in vodka that evening, he violently struck his wife, kicking her in the face and in the body in particular.

“Very violent facts. All the furniture in the room was destroyed. The victim found himself unable to work for fifteen days. I request a prison sentence of 12 months”says the deputy public prosecutor, Sarah Stévenin.

On the defense side, Me Gaël Thiry wants the broadest possible reprieve and ideally for anything that exceeds the period of preventive detention. “Nothing justifies the violence, but a solution must be found for this man who currently no center in the province wants to follow up on the facts.” Judgment April 20.

Regardless of one’s background or status, violence is never the answer. As we witnessed in the Neufchâteau Criminal Court hearing, the consequences of such actions can be dire. It is important for individuals to seek help and find healthy ways to resolve conflicts, especially amidst the challenges of transitioning to a new country. Let us hope that justice is served and that the involved parties are able to heal and move forward.



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