Here are the best tips to save electricity and reduce your bills

If you are looking to save energy, discover all the means at your disposal to achieve this. With our tips, it will be (almost) child’s play. It’s gone for a maximum optimization at all levels !

What are the ways to save energy?

The first thing to do when you want to save energy is to know what you actually consume. It is the first step of the staircase to see the weaknesses and determine the actions to be implemented to reduce the amount of its costs.

Know your good and bad habits

If you want to save energy, it’s time to do the assessment on all fronts : heating, light, household appliances, etc. THE bad habits lead to unnecessary overconsumption. For example :

  • Do not leave devices on standby.
  • Lower the temperature.
  • Remember to always turn off the lights when you are away or when you leave a room.
  • Hunt down energy-consuming devices.

Have a smart meter and monitor its consumption

To save energy, a state-of-the-art electricity meter can be useful to you. Indeed, it will allow you to have detailed and real-time monitoring of your consumption. Once this is done, you can implement the eco-gestures below.

Tips for saving heating and air conditioning

  • If you reduce the temperature by 1°Cyou can save 7% energy.
  • Take care of your heaters and air conditioners.
  • Buy heaters smart which are less energy intensive.
  • In winter, close the curtains and shutters to keep warm inside. In summer, to keep your accommodation cool.

Reduce the use of household appliances

  • Unplug all chargers when not in use.
  • No standby and prefer to switch off completely. Think of the power strip with switch.
  • Opt for the “eco” mode and washing at low temperature for the dishwasher and washing machine.
  • Pay attention to theenergy label when you purchase a device.

Bills: tips for saving energy every day

Low consumption bulbs

In fact, to save energy, consider LED or compact fluorescent bulbs. They last longer and consume 80% less than the bulbs before.

Good insulation

Invoices: to avoid heat loss, the insulation of a home is essential. So if you can insulate your roof, walls and windowsthis is ideal.

smart heating

Electricity: you can program it and it has loads of cool features. Thus, it is the best way to optimize and save energy.

Choose efficient appliances

If you must make purchases, always check energy label and opt for the note A+++.

Bills: using state aid to reduce bills

CITE: tax credit for the energy transition

This help can allow you to reduce your taxes. For example, if you install a heat pump or make a thermal insulation in your primary residence.

Zero rate eco-loan

This is a very interesting state credit: no interest and no means test.

ANAH: National Housing Agency (Anah)

Anah can grant aid for the renovation of old housings. There are conditions of resources and they are mainly aimed at owner-occupiers and social landlords.

Electricity: finally, there are several solutions to save energy. Remember that the first step is to understand your consumption. Then, implement simple eco-gestures. Then, buy high-performance devices. Finally, do not hesitate to use government assistance.



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