Glory Saturday in Mexico: What is the origin of the custom of getting wet during Holy Week? | ANSWERS

As if it were carnivals, the Saturday of Glory in Mexico It was customary to wet people with balloons and buckets of water, however over time the practice was losing strength as a result of the scarcity of this important element. How did this tradition of Easter? In this note we tell you everything you need to know regarding it on the subject.


Although it is one of the customs that has been gradually lost due to the restrictions caused by global warming, getting wet with water balloons or buckets was one of the most popular traditions in Mexico.

According to what is known, through some media outlets in Mexico, the custom of getting wet from the Saturday of Glory It dates back to the Middle Ages, when the Catholic Church had various rules that had to be followed to the letter during Lent and one of them was not to bathe during the Easterbecause being an element of purification, the water had to be used until this date.

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Tradition explains that people used to throw water at each other to purify their souls and thus wash away all their sins. And it is that during the Saturday of Glorythat is, one day before the Easter Sunday, all came to be baptized collectively. There were so many people in the religious enclosures or in the places of baptism that the priests chose to wet everyone at the same time.

Over time, the real meaning of wetting the Saturday of Glory It was losing strength and this tradition was only practiced for fun.

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The Easter It is the annual Christian commemoration of the passion of Christ, that is, the entrance to Jerusalem, the last supper, the Via Crucis, the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. It begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Easter Sunday, although its celebration usually begins in various places on the previous Friday, that is, on Friday of Sorrows. The date of the celebration is variable: between March and April.

It continues to be Lent until sunset on Holy Thursday, when the Pascual Triduum begins: that same day the institution of the Eucharist is celebrated at the last supper; on Good Friday, the crucifixion and death of the Lord, and on the night of Holy Saturday, the Pascual Vigil. During the Easter numerous samples of popular religiosity take place throughout the world, highlighting the processions, penances and representations of the Passion, death and resurrection of Jesus.

In some countries it has been taken as holidays, which has also earned it the name of Semana Mayor.

In much of the world there are celebrations associated with the Eastersome of them of enormous interest at an international level.

In Spain, the Easter from Malaga, Easter of Sevilla, Easter of Grenada, the Easter Valladolid, Cuenca, Zaragoza, Lorca, León, Medina del Campo, Toledo or Cartagena among others. And they are recognized as being of national tourist interest, the Easter sailor of Valencia (2011), Easter by Jerez de la Frontera (1993), the Living Passion by Castro Urdiales (2012), or Los Picaos by San Vicente de la Sonriera (2005), among others with the same degree.

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In Mexico it is highlighted as holy days, its celebration is carried out in various entities of the country but above all 2 main ones stand out, which are known by the majority in some parts of the world such as the representation of Taxco de Alarcón, the second most important of the country and the first and mainly important which is the Passion of Christ in Iztapalapa that is celebrated year following year since 1843 in that demarcation of Mexico City.

In Peru, it highlights the Easter in Ayacucho, a religious event with a lot of syncretism, carried out uninterruptedly for more than 150 years and with an unusual duration of ten days. Also stands out the Easter in Lima, capital of the country.

In Colombia, the Easter in Popayán, which is part of UNESCO’s Representative List of Cultural and Intangible Heritage of Humanity; the Easter in Tunja, Boyacá; the Easter in Ciénaga de Oro, Córdoba; the Easter in Mompox, Bolívar; the Easter in the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity and San Antonio de Padua in Zipaquirá and in the Salt Cathedral in Zipaquirá, Cundinamarca and the Easter in Guamal, Magdalena.

Argentina commemorates Easter from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.

In Uruguay, due to the religious secularization given by the constitution of 1919. The vacation cycle that corresponds to the Easter It is officially known as “Tourism Week” stipulated by the law of that same constitution that secularizes religious festivals, popularly it is also given the name of Creole Week. Easter and Easter Week.

The Easter in Bolivia it includes fasting, pilgrimages, processions and different actions that differ from one region to another.

In Brazil, there are groups of penitents who take to the streets praying for the suffering spirits.

Of great interest is the Easter in Guatemala City due to its sociocultural and tourist character of great importance in the city.

In Costa Rica, the liturgy is combined with processions, the main one being that of Good Friday in the morning, in which the route of the Via Crucis is usually dramatized live, with those in the cantons of San Joaquín (Flores) and Oreamuno being very popular. of Carthage.

The Easter In Nicaragua it is celebrated in all cities, with the most outstanding festivities being those of Granada and León.



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