The renovation of the infrastructure at the EPP Anosdolaya was inaugurated yesterday. There are 430 students who benefited from this. It was attended by many different government representatives.
The Viseo Foundation inaugurated, yesterday, the EPP at Anosadola, in the sixth district. The 430 students in the school benefited from this. He worked with the municipality of Antananarivo Capital and the company Akadin and Sanifer for the project.
There are many benefits that students and teachers expect from school reform. Among them, the existence of a clean and peaceful environment. “On the one hand, the completed infrastructure motivates and motivates the children to learn and save the school,” said the principal, Ravaoharisoa Sahondra Harinjaka.
The school has been established since 1979. No repairs have been made until now. “It felt like the school was very bad and it had an impact on teaching,” he said. The teachers are nervous and afraid that the children will fall to the bottom. Most of the floors are crooked, the balconies are wobbly… He said that the students were always being monitored for falls and falls. According to the teachers, the badness of the school has an effect on teaching.
100 school rooms to be renovated in 5 years
After this project, the goal is to build and renovate at least 100 classrooms within 5 years. In addition, the public health sector is supported. Special help is given to children in rural areas and disadvantaged areas.
Cooperation and assistance in the field of National Education will be continued, according to the director of the VISEO Foundation. This is shown through the construction and renovation of school buildings.
Mino (work student)