USA: Couple discover after 10 years that they are actually cousins


Couple discover following 10 years that they are actually cousins

Celina Quinones and her husband had been married for a decade when a DNA test to trace their family tree nearly turned their lives upside down.


Ten years following their marriage, Celina and Joseph Quinones found out they were actually cousins.

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  • Celina Quinones wanted to know more regarding her family tree, so she sent in DNA tests.

  • The results reveal that she and her husband are cousins.

  • The couple have been married for ten years and have three children. They want to continue to be a couple.

Celina Quinones, a real estate agent from Colorado, really just wanted to know more regarding her family tree. Therefore, she and her husband had DNA tests evaluated. The two have been married for ten years and have three children aged 15, 13 and 10. But the results showed that the two are actually cousins.

Celina shared this news in one go Tiktok video with. The video has been viewed over 4.4 million times since it was released in March. The reactions were mixed. “There are a lot of negative comments, it’s terrible,” says Celina to “People” magazine. “People keep asking, ‘Why would you do that? Why would you post that?’ », but she takes such comments calmly.

“I said, ‘Oh no!'”

After only a few months of relationship, Celina married Joseph Quinones in July 2006. Although their families met at that time, no one suspected that they were related. Joseph adds: «We didn’t think regarding it. I also never saw Celina at family reunions, funerals or weddings.” Celina later began tracing her family tree and had a DNA test done through the My Heritage web service.

Despite the DNA test result, Celina and Joseph want to stay together.

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“I ordered the DNA tests,” says Celina. “They were sent to us, we made our swabs and sent the samples by post.” Then they got the results back and Celina ran the family tree DNA. “Then I saw his name come up and I said, ‘Oh no!'”

“Don’t worry honey”

After reading the results, Celina admitted she was beginning to doubt if she and Joseph should even be together anymore. Joseph then said, “Don’t worry, honey. It’s not a big deal.” After a while she started to think differently and then thought: «No, we’ll just stay together. We can not do anything regarding it.”

Celina says she doesn’t know to what extent she and her husband are related. The DNA tests showed that they are between second and seventh cousins. The closest relative they may have in common might be part of the great-grandparents.

Celina stopped researching her family tree following the startling discovery, but she hopes to eventually learn something regarding the lineage that connects her and Joseph, she tells People.

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