Mines and energy: the priorities of Minister Boussim

  • a gold refinery
  • a mine tailings treatment plant
  • a rural electrification program

In 2024, Burkina Faso intends to have its first gold refinery, this is the priority project that the Ministry of Mines and Energy will have to set up. This priority received the endorsement of the Prime Minister, Me Apollinaire Kyelem de Tambèla, who chaired, on April 5, 2023, the session on the emergency program of the Transition. This idea of ​​a national refinery has often been taken up by the head of the transition since he took power on September 30, 2022. It remains to set up the project and find the funding that goes with it. Another project in the mining sector, the announcement of a project to set up a processing plant for mining residues such as fine coal, the construction of which is very advanced.

Burkina Faso has become very dependent on production and for good reason, since 2009, yellow metal has become Burkina Faso’s leading export product. Its contribution to the national economy is very important, for example, according to the EITI, in 2020, the 17 mining companies in operation are responsible for the creation of 10,000 direct jobs and 51,000 indirect jobs. Better still, gold contributed to state revenue to the tune of 237.31 billion FCFA in 2020. With the gold refinery and the fine coal processing plant, their export to the outside world, which was losing huge revenues to state revenue. The implementation of these two important projects in the mining sector is proof that the authorities of the Transition want the country to take ownership of its gold production and to capture all the tax revenue linked to its extraction.

Simon Pierre Boussim mentioned the electrification of 95 localities, by connection to the national interconnected network.



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