TNI Submits Fire Investigation Process at Salak Bogor Hospital to Police – An investigation into the fire at the Salak Hospital in Bogor was carried out to determine the exact cause of the incident. Commander of Korem (Danrem) 061/Surya Kencana (SK) Brig TNI Rudi Saladin entrusted the investigation to the forensic laboratory center (Puslabfor) of the National Police Headquarters.

“So today we are continuing the investigation. Thank God, we have the support from the Puslabfor Bareskrim Polri Headquarters and friends from the Polresta as well. What kind of results will we entrust to the investigation team,” said Rudi when inspecting the location of the fire at Salak Hospital, Saturday (8/ 4).

Rudi together with Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Sugiarto inspected the location of the fire following the joint fire service (Damkar), TNI and Polri officers managed to extinguish it on Friday (8/4) at 15.00 WIB.

The fire was discovered at 13.20 WIB in the medical check-up room, pharmaceutical installation, and spread to the long room of the cooperative.

The check-up room and pharmacy installation are the facade of Salak Hospital in front of Jalan Sudirman and next to Denpom III/1.

The building of the two rooms is included in a cultural heritage building because it has been established since 1894, so the Bogor City Government will try to revitalize it.

However, until now the cause of the fire cannot be ascertained because it is still under investigation by the Puslabfor Mabes Polri.

The initial suspicion was that the fire occurred due to an electrical short circuit in the medical check-up room, then quickly spread to other rooms, until within one and a half hours the rising fire was extinguished, burning at least four parallel rooms.

The fire area was immediately marked the police following the process of extinguishing and cooling the material is carried out, for the investigation process of the Puslabfor Mabes Polri.

“We will report (the results later) structurally to the leadership first, for the exposure from the Regional Military Command and the Kapendam,” said Rudi. Quoted from Antara.


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