Infringing works on forced agricultural land

Violating works have been enforced

Recently, People’s Committee An Thuong commune (Hai Duong city, Hai Duong province) organized forcible dismantling of the infringing works illegally built on agricultural land of Mrs. Vu Thi Sau’s household in residential area No. 1.

According to the coercive decision, Mrs. Vu Thi Sau’s household in residential area No. 1 was forced to dismantle the illegal and illegal construction work with an area of ​​26.8m2, the toilet works, the yard around the garden. , roofs at parcels of land No. 283, 320 and 348 map sheets No. 5 in residential area No. 1.

Part of the offending works was organized by the People’s Committee of An Thuong Commune to forcibly dismantle.

The reason for the coercion was that Ms. Sau arbitrarily changed the purpose of using agricultural land to non-agricultural land, without permission of the competent state agency, in order to return the land to its original state before the violation. regulations.

This illegal construction work on this agricultural land has been reported by the Knowledge and Life Newspaper in the past time. Hai Duong City People’s Committee also concluded regarding the violations of two households, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Han and Ms. Vu Thi Sau.

Specifically, two households, Mr. Han and Mrs. Sau, violated the dyke protection corridor by dumping construction waste, administrative violations in the field of land, arbitrarily changing the purpose of land use, encroaching on land due to construction. building houses encroaching on other people’s land, violating regulations on building custodian houses on converted agricultural land according to Decision 1654 dated May 3, 2007 of the People’s Committee of Hai Duong province.

The “hidden corner” has not been clarified yet

Before the time when the People’s Committee of An Thuong Commune forcibly dismantled a part of the above violation, it is noteworthy that both Mr. Nguyen Xuan Han and Ms. Vu Thi Sau admitted that they had sold the entire land area to other people and people. bought has built the above works. Buyers are said to have circumvented the law by building two houses next to each other to build a house to look following and combine into a common house, with a roof, sharing a garden…

However, before the conclusion of Hai Duong City People’s Committee on November 30, 2021 on the purchase and sale of agricultural land, Mr. Han’s and Mrs. Sau’s households had not yet completed the procedures for transferring land use rights through the People’s Committee of An Thuong commune. The Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Hai Duong City worked with Mr. Han and Mrs. Sau in July and August 2021. At that time, Mr. Han and Mrs. Sau determined that they would not sell the land, did not enter into a transfer contract on agricultural land, and committed to bear the responsibility. responsibility before the law. Therefore, the People’s Committee of Hai Duong City said that there was no basis to determine that Mr. Han and Mrs. Sau had transferred agricultural land as the information reflected.

At the end of 2022, the leader of An Thuong Commune People’s Committee, when talking with PV Tri and Life, also said that when the commune was regarding to coerce the offending part of the project, Ms. Tran Thi Thanh Huyen stood up to accept this project as hers was not that of Mr. Nguyen Xuan Han and Ms. Vu Thi Sau, so the Commune People’s Committee had to redo the process. At that time, the commune reported to the city to review the conclusions of the Inspector, but the inspection unit did not inform once more.

Infringing works should be forced to dismantle the violating part according to conclusion No. 472 of Hai Duong City People’s Committee. However, the lack of accurate identification of violators can lead to many complicated problems following enforcement.

Condition of pond before leveling.

Recently, following a part of the violating works on Mrs. Sau’s land was forcibly dismantled, the people of An Thuong commune continued to file a denunciation to the leaders of Hai Duong province, the leaders of Hai Duong city and a number of others. relevant departments and agencies. People complained that the pond filled on the area of ​​Mr. Nguyen Xuan Han assigned by the Commune People’s Committee was illegally leveled. According to the complainant, as soon as the construction of the above violation was detected and the area of ​​the pond was leveled, it was reported to the People’s Committee of An Thuong commune, but it was not verified and prevented in a timely manner.

Before the hidden corners in the above case, the people of An Thuong commune asked the competent authorities to verify and clarify whether this leveling of the pond was violated or not? At the same time, it is clear whether Mr. Han and Mrs. Sau have bought, sold and transferred agricultural land for land buyers to build the above violation works and level up the area of ​​public ponds or not? From there, clarify the responsibilities of the leaders of the People’s Committee of An Thuong commune when the violations occurred (if any).

>>> Invite readers to watch more videos A series of officials were prosecuted for land violations



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