Council of Ministers: the Head of State warns his ministers against the relentlessness of some to carry out unbudgeted projects

The Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers was held this Thursday, April 06, 2023 from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m., under the High Authority ofhis Excellency the President of the CNRD, President of the Transition, Head of State, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya.

The following items were on the agenda:




His Excellency the President of the Transition, President of the CNRD, Head of State, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya,began by congratulating the Minister Secretary General of Religious Affairs for the good organization of the forty-first (41st) edition of the National Holy Quran Reading Competition. At the same time, the Head of State also congratulated all the actors and partners who worked for the success of this edition. He also thanked and encouraged all the candidates, especially the winners of the competition.

Then, he expressed his incomprehension in the execution of the Budget by certain ministers within their Departments. He recalled that the justification that last year’s budgets were a legacy is no longer acceptable. Because, for this year, all the ministers have independently prepared and supported their budget before the national representation.

Notwithstanding the existence of budget lines, the Head of State showed his incomprehension in the face of the relentlessness of ministers to carry out projects that were not budgeted for this year.

In addition, the President of the Transition recalled that during the Council of Ministers of November 24, 2022, he had stressed that the members of the Government had enough time to learn. In view of this learning time, he would be very careful regarding each of their actions in the future.

Finally, the Head of State challenged the ministers for the construction of school, road, hospital infrastructure, etc., in accordance with the administrative procedures in force.

Also, he invited them to anticipate and project themselves into the future.


The Prime Minister, Head of Government, Doctor Bernard Goumou, began his message by inviting members of the Government to redouble their efforts to meet the challenges. Then, he carried his message on three points:

1 – The quality of the public health service;

2 – The electrification of our cities inside;

3 – Servicing of State domains.

With regard to the first point relating to the quality of health servicesthe Prime Minister drew the attention of the Council to the fact that it is urgent to strengthen the capacity of health personnel both in Conakry and in the interior of the country to better qualify their services.

In the same vein, the Head of Government shared the observation that there are too many prescriptions which often lead to poor treatment of patients while efforts are being made by the CNRD authorities through the installation of advanced equipment. in some of our health structures such as Donka. But local expertise is often lacking both in Conakry and inland.

The Prime Minister instructed the Ministers in charge of Health, Foreign Affairs and Higher Education to set up a specific program in order to be able to raise not only the level of health personnel and to provide the structures with appropriate equipment and contracted. To this end, he asked them to present the relevant project within two weeks.

Regarding the second point relating to the electrification of towns in the interior of the countrythe Head of Government instructed the Minister in charge of Energy to do everything possible with the EDG to find appropriate solutions for the benefit of the populations pending the finalization of the electrification and interconnection projects in our country.

The Prime Minister invited the Minister in charge of Energy on the need to intensify communication with the populations on the power cuts caused by the works or any other factor.

As for the third point relating to the servicing of State domainsthe Prime Minister recalled that for several months, the Transitional Government has been carrying out an eviction campaign in several districts of Conakry, in particular the Cité Camayenne.

Faced with this situation, he asked the Ministers in charge of Housing, Public Works and the Minister Secretary General of the Presidency to propose a development and construction plan.

Immediately, the Minister of Town Planning, Housing and Territorial Development reassured the Head of Government and the Council that all arrangements are underway for the servicing of the said areas. Soon a development plan being finalized will be submitted to the Council for validation, he informed.

In addition, the Head of Government informed that the Primature has developed an easy-to-use online platform for monitoring the decisions of the Councils of Ministers which comes into force next week, and training sessions will be organized at the attention of ministers and their cabinets.

Finally, the Prime Minister invited each member of the Council to review the instructions of the President of the Transition for follow-up, execution and reporting.


Madam Minister of Planning and International Cooperationmade a presentation on the organization of the round table of donors for the financing of the interim reference program (PRI).


The Council unanimously supported the Minister’s communication on the organization of a round table of donors for the financing of the interim reference program, scheduled for October 2023 and instructed her to take all the necessary necessary to achieve the desired objectives.


The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Integration and Guineans Living Abroad shared his exchange with the US Ambassador to Guinea. He thanked him once more for his support to the Transitional Government. By mutual agreement, the ambassador removed the countdown from the institutional site in order to avoid any ambiguity on this initiative.

The Minister of Transport informed the Board of the laying of the first stone of the expansion and modernization works of the Ahmed Sékou Touré International Airport this Saturday, April 8, 2023. He announced the arrival in Conakry on April 7, 2023, of his counterpart from Sierra Leone for the signing of a maritime agreement between our two States.

The Minister of National Defense recommended to the Government to strengthen and intensify communication on its actions. Also, he informed the Council that the French Navy seized a boat carrying prohibited products.

The Minister of Technical Education, Vocational Training and Employment informed the Board of the payment of maintenance grants to students in Technical Education and Vocational Training. Also, he informed of the completion of the biometric enrollment program and physical control of these students. He also announced the organization by his Department of the Guinea Trades Olympics from April 26, 2023.

Madam Minister of Planning and International Cooperation informed of the holding today, April 6, 2023 in his department, of the signing of the financing agreements for the transition support program and the cooperation and communication facility between the European Commission and the Republic of Guinea.

The Minister in charge of Energy and Hydraulics announced the launch on April 14, 2023 of the dredging works of the Tinkisso dam.

The Minister in charge of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy invited the executives of the administration to favor the use of professional e-mail addresses in the context of work.

The Minister of Agriculture and Livestock thanked the Head of State for providing his Department with a first batch of 65 new tractors and awaits the arrival of several others.

The Minister of Culture, Tourism and Handicrafts informed the Council that our country has been chosen as guest of honor by Burkina Faso on the occasion of the national week of culture, scheduled from April 26 to May 6, 2023 in Ouagadougou.

Madam Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation informed the Council of the election of our compatriot, Professor Fatoumata Binta Diallo as President of the West African College of Surgeons. This makes her the first Guinean to head this congress since our country joined in 1994.

Conakry, April 06, 2023

The Council of Ministers

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