Bloomberg develops generative AI model BloombergGPT to support NLP tasks in the financial industry

Bloomberg recently announced that it is developing a new large-scale generative AI model, BloombergGPT, and training it for its analysis of various financial data to help various natural language processing (NLP) tasks in the financial industry.

According to Bloomberg, BloombergGPT can assist in the execution of existing financial NLP tasks, includingSentiment analysis, named entity recognition, news classification, question answering, etc. BloombergGPT can also organize the large amount of data in the Bloomberg terminal to more effectively help the company’s clients and bring the potential of AI to the financial field.

Shawn Edwards, Chief Technology Officer of Bloomberg, said that the generative large-scale language model (LLM) allows the company to see the value of developing an LLM that focuses on the financial field, pointing out that BloombergGPT will allow Bloomberg to handle more new applications and allow each This application provides more powerful performance than custom models.


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