pineapples, insults and a “faca” in a fight between students in Zapala

Two students met at the exit of an educational institute in Zapala and they started a fight that might have been deadly. The situation worries fathers, mothers and the educational community, who assure that these situations happen frequently.

A video began to circulate through social networks where you can see how two students started a pineapple fight outside the IFD13 middle level in Zapala. According to what was published by a user, the fight happened on the morning of Wednesday, April 5.

Those involved are two students, who following an argument grabbed “the blows”, everything was recorded by the cell phone of a student and In the video you can hear how some encourage the fight, while others ask that the fight stop. Despite the fact that the situation was already worrying due to the blows between the two students, Everything turned dangerous when in the middle of the fight one of those involved asks a friend to bring him “a knife.”«.

The fight ends when the large bladed weapony one of the students decides to escape by running into the establishment while being chased. The video culminates with the screams of other students and the persecution, although it cannot be seen what happened next, They assure that there were no serious injuries.

Due to the fight that had a great impact, from the establishment they repudiated what happenedor through Facebook and reported: “from our school we have always worked in coordination with other institutions to prevent, with the tools that the system allows us, this type of situation.” Besides they asked the parents to be able to “reflect within the family what happened.”

The truth is Several fathers and mothers were dismayed and concerned regarding what happened, since the fight might have ended with one of the students seriously injured. In turn, they stated that similar events have been repeated in other institutions where students fight to the point of exhaustion and are becoming more frequent.

Regarding this particular case, it is unknown if the students involved were identified, but it was learned that they were investigating the matter.

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