Medical vocation and when it becomes toxic

He vocational level in Medicine that some of the physicians house leads to a “romanticization” toxic of the profession that can be classified as “ridiculous” by colleagues in the health sector. In this context, a specialist has assured on Twitter that it is “unbearable” to read or listen to people with a “savior complex” for carrying out a job like “any other”. A comment received by support of a residentwho has also noticed this situation and who thinks that toilets that are like this, “earn so hard that no one can stand them.”

This last doctor has detailed that since the end of the carrera note this “submerged collective delusion” in which some health professionals live. “The same with the MIR preparation and I have no doubt that in the residence we are normalizing or romanticizing things that from the outside must look ridiculous,” he added.

In this way, he wanted to make it clear that with his comment does not intend to criticize the work that the toilets do “with enthusiasm”, but that in his case, he works to “pay for his life” and that despite the vocational nature of the profession, “if they did not pay him, he would not work because he also has a life and he is not a fool is”. “I work as a doctor because it makes me happier than doing other jobs, and I feel good if I help people,” he acknowledged.

Despite how “happy” he is with his job, it does not mean that he does not feel a “total” rejection of doctors with a feeling of “superiority” for the mere fact of carrying out a profession with a “significant degree of responsibility”.

Similar job importance between a doctor and a street sweeper

To justify his words, the doctor has given an example of twork of a sweeperwho has to remove the leaves from the ground so that “her grandmother does not trip” and that, for this reason, this work is “just as important” as that of a traumatologist, “who will operate on her if she falls” .

“But if you think you deserve more recognition for having spent more time preparing your work, you are free to choose another profession,” he stressed.

“They have been with this attitude since they started the race”

Following the publication of these opinions on Twitter, other health professionals have shared their thoughts regarding the topic. This is the case of a doctor who has stated that he has witnessed these attitudes in colleagues “even since the race.” “Those who comment on this are a bit tiresome,” he has had an impact.

In fact, he has regretted that they are the own teachers in the career who talk to you regarding responsibility and regarding the vocation of service, “which evidently exists”, all the time. “It is not necessary to be constantly commenting on it as if this were the only work with these characteristics,” she has detailed.

The romanticization of Medicine, a debate that lasts over time

The concept of the romanticization of Medicine and its positive and negative aspects is a debate that has been stretched out in time. In this way, while some of the physicians believe that in this profession it is necessary to ‘sacrifice’ to do their job well, others believe that it is necessary to put some boundaries to be able to combine the professional life with the personal one.

This is the opinion of a doctor, who has described herself as “passionate” regarding Medicine, but “without her life being involved in it.” “I work to support my family and there will never be a patient for whom it is worth dying for and not seeing my children and my husband anymore”, she has concluded.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Redacción Médica is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend to the reader that any health-related questions be consulted with a health professional.



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