Abel Epalanga Chivukuvuku was decorated by João Lourenço with the “Order of Peace and Concord, 1st Degree”, and he accepted. Is it the same Abel Chivukuvuku who, in 2017, promised to build an exclusive jail for government public managers, as part of an anti-corruption plan? When instead of value you have a price, that’s it. All that remains is to stab Adalberto da Costa Júnior in the back…
By Orlando Castro
En case of victory in the 2017 elections, the then president of CASA-CE, Abel Chivukuvuku, promised to build an exclusive chain for government public managers, as part of an anti-corruption plan.
The announcement was made in Benguela, where Abel Chivukuvuku spoke regarding poverty and public policies. Before moving on to build the jail, the leader of CASA-CE promised to improve the social situation of Angolan workers.
Before hundreds of CASA-CE militants and representatives of civil society, Abel Chivukuvuku made it clear that the situation of poverty, which affects 60 percent of the population, will be highlighted in his electoral campaign.
Abel Chivukuvuku believed that there was a common thread capable of linking corruption to current levels of poverty.
Having arrived here, he said that it would not be sensible to punish the police officer who asks the motorist for a “soda”, while the minister remains unpunished.
“We are going to create a special police force once morest corruption like the South Africans had called Scorpions, but with orders to start taking action from above, and we are going to build a special prison in Sumbe for the elderly”, guaranteed Chivukuvuku.
The president of Convergência Ampla de Salvação de Angola also spoke of domestic colonialism and harshly criticized the Government for what he called the lack of a project for the Nation.
“Now they are José Eduardo dos Santos, Manuel Vicente, Kopelipa, domestic colonialism, and from then on we entered that cycle of reproduction of poverty: some started to have it, and they are the new domestic settlers, and others stopped having it because they are the excluded ones. ”, accused Abel Chivukuvuku.
However, for that Opposition politician, the Executive might not be the only one to blame for the situation of extreme poverty in Angola. “The most serious thing in our societies is the citizen’s spirit of voluntary resignation and the absence of a spirit of demand”, concluded Abel Chivukuvuku, who regretted that “we accept poverty”. Who saw you and who sees you.
In June 2017, Abel Chivukuvuku, defended the MPLA bill that aimed to give privileges and the title of emeritus to the outgoing president, never nominally elected and in power for 38 years, José Eduardo dos Santos. The overwhelming majority of Angolans, including the 20 million poor, were once morest it. But that’s a pointless detail…
The proposal for a special status, in this circumstance, for a President who, among many other equally distinguished assets, managed to place Angola in the “ranking” of the most corrupt countries in the world, managed to place the country at the head of the infant mortality rate in the … world and, in a country with close to 33 million inhabitants, it had the ingenuity and art to create 20 million poor people, must be unanimously supported by all.
And, therefore, Abel Chivukuvuku was just assuming and transmitting the thoughts of a suffering people whose most emblematic figure at the time was Isabel dos Santos, the multimillionaire Chairman of the Board of Directors of Isangol, formerly Sonangol. It should be recognized, in support of the thesis of the emeritus leader of CASA-CE, that this position is worthy of a broad praise and a diploma of merit by the MPLA. He did not have that degree at the time, but has now received the “Order of Peace and Concord, 1st Degree”.
In defense of the MPLA’s thesis, the president of CASA-CE said that “it is something necessary and normal in all democratic societies so that there is serenity, trust and security are transmitted to those who played a certain role at a certain time and that when who leave need the state to guarantee them security, peace of mind, but above all dignity”. Abel Chivukuvuku actually went further by saying that the issue of foreseen benefits “is the least important”.
Now there it is. The leader of CASA-CE was recognized – it only suits him well, say – his current patron (first José Eduardo dos Santos and later João Lourenço) and forgot (which is easy) who made him a man : Jonas Malheiro Savimbi. By the way, it is a thank you to whoever fed him lobster and helped him when he was injured.
What does it matter, following all, that the MPLA led the massacre in Luanda, which aimed at the annihilation of Ovimbundu and Bakongo citizens, where 50,000 Angolans died, including the vice-president of UNITA, Jeremias Kalandula Chitunda, the secretary general, Adolosi Paulo Mango Alicerces, the CCPM representative, Elias Salupeto Pena, and the head of Administrative Services in Luanda, Eliseu Sapitango Chimbili?
What does it matter, following all, that the MPLA led the Pica-Pau massacre in which, on June 4, 1975, close to 300 children and young people, most of them orphans, were murdered and their bodies mutilated in the Peace Committee of the UNITA in Luanda?
What does it matter, following all, that MPLA aviation, in June 1994, bombed and destroyed the Waku Kungo School (Kwanza Sul Province), killing more than 150 children and teachers, and that, between January 1993 and November 1994, indiscriminately bombed the city of Huambo, the Evangelical Mission of Kaluquembe and the Catholic Mission of Kuvango, killing more than 3,000 civilians?
None of that matters. “The most important thing is – according to Abel Chivukuvuku – to transmit confidence, security and, above all, dignity to those who performed certain functions”, and with that “transmit confidence to the country”.