“He’s one of the best strikers I’ve played with”

During a press conference on Thursday, Morgan Sanson paid a beautiful tribute to Habib Diallo, thus underlining the importance of the Senegalese striker in the Racing Club Strasbourg Alsace team. Arrived from Aston Villa during the winter transfer window, Sanson quickly established himself in the Alsatian workforce, largely thanks to the presence of Diallo in attack.

Indeed, of the two assists that Sanson has delivered in Ligue 1 this season, both were converted by Habib Diallo, during matches once morest Montpellier (22nd day) and AJ Auxerre (28th day). Aware of the qualities of the Senegalese striker, the former Olympique de Marseille player paid tribute to the African champion.

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“He is one of the players who have marked me since my arrival (in Strasbourg). I knew he was good, but now I think he’s a very good Ligue 1 player, he might do a lot of top teams good. He has everything: speed, he keeps the ball well and is technically clean. He’s one of the best strikers I’ve played with,” Sanson acknowledged at a press conference.

For Strasbourg fans, Diallo is a major asset, having already scored 15 goals in 29 Ligue 1 games, just four behind current top scorer Kylian Mbappé. It now remains to be seen if the connection between Sanson and Diallo will be decisive in keeping Strasbourg in the top flight.

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