They confirmed the separation of Jésica Cirio and Martín Insaurralde, after ten years of relationship

After a series of rumors that talked about a deep couple crisis, The separation of Jésica Cirio and Martín Insaurralde was confirmed. This was announced this afternoon by the driver Ángel de Brito on his social networks.

The LAM journalist, who usually gets scoops from the entertainment world, broke the news through the question sticker on Instagram. under the slogan “Angel Answers”a follower asked him about the status of the relationship between the model and the politician.

They are separated, but for now they do not want to talk and the reasons are not knownde Brito asserted. Apparently, they would be waiting for the election season to pass so that his private life does not compromise the political role of the current chief of staff of Ministers of the Province of Buenos Aires.

The rumors of distancing began a few weeks ago, but Cirio herself took it upon herself to deny them by pointing out that both were extremely busy with their respective jobs.

Ángel de Brito confirmed the separation

Recently, the model celebrated her birthday with an important party to which it was suspected that her husband had not attended. Then they published a family photo in which he can be seen present, but it seems that the former mayor of Lomas de Zamora he would have only stopped by for a moment to say hello and then left.

According to sources close to the couple, Jésica He would have already started looking for an address to move in with his daughter a while ago. Apparently, the driver of La Peña del Morfi found the right place in the Highland Park Country Club, located in the Pilar neighborhood.

Jesica Cirio and Martín Insaurralde met in 2013, after she wrote him a note for the program in which he works at that time. After a year of dating, they got married in 2014 and welcomed their daughter, Chloé, on November 5, 2017.

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Jésica Cirio had denied the separation of Martín Insaurralde

In dialogue with “La Once Diez”, Jesica Cirio assured: “No, we are not separated. Today we are working hard with Martín, each one on their own. And it is true that we have little time because everyone is focused on their own, we are going to few events and he is with a very low profile.

As if that were not enough, in an interview with “Intruders”, the host added: «I already denied it, I don’t know where that comes from. We are both working hard, but I have no idea where that came from.”.

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