25 Primary School Teachers in Zollikon Face Mass Termination

The conflict between the school administration and teachers at Rüterwis primary school in Zollikon has escalated to the point where 25 teachers submitted their resignations at the end of March. Some teachers explicitly cited the school management as the reason for their dismissal, which prompted a tough letter from the Parents’ Association to local authorities. The management has been accused of an authoritarian and non-communicative leadership style. Such mass resignations are not uncommon, as March 31st is the regular termination date for teachers who want to change jobs at the end of the school year. However, the situation at Rüterwis primary school is expected to take months to resolve.


Zollikon ZHConflict with school management escalates – 25 teachers resign

Due to a conflict with the school administration, two dozen teachers at the Rüterwis primary school submitted their resignation at the end of March.

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At the end of the year, 25 teachers leave the primary school in Rüterwis. More than a dozen of them explicitly gave the school management as the reason for their dismissal.

ullstein picture via Getty Images

A week earlier, the parents were informed in an info mail regarding the tensions at the school.  At that time it was still said that mediation had been started and that the feedback was

A week earlier, the parents were informed in an info mail regarding the tensions at the school. At that time it was still said that mediation had been started and that the feedback was “positive”.


Since a new school management took over the scepter at the primary school in March 2022, the situation has deteriorated drastically, as a number of teachers told the “Tages-Anzeiger”.

Since a new school management took over the scepter at the primary school in March 2022, the situation has deteriorated drastically, as a number of teachers told the “Tages-Anzeiger”.

imago images/Geisser

That’s what it’s regarding

  • 25 teachers at the Rüterwis primary school in Zollikon have resigned.

  • This is due to tensions between the new school management and the staff.

  • Such mass layoffs are currently piling up.

There is a mood of crisis at this school in Zolliker: at the end of the year, 25 teachers are leaving the primary school in Rüterwis. More than a dozen of them explicitly gave the school management as the reason for their dismissal. A week earlier, the parents were informed in an info mail regarding the tensions at the school. At that time it was still said that mediation had started at the end of November and that the feedback was “positive”.

The 25 teachers include young professionals, but also a number of long-standing professionals. They find the email sent to the parents to be “cheeky”, “whitewashing” and “cover-up”. Since a new school management took over the reins at the primary school in March 2022, the situation has deteriorated drastically, as several teachers told the «Tages-Anzeiger” testify.

Leadership is criticized from all sides

A number of teachers had to change their usual and furnished classrooms, “simply because the school management wanted it that way”. Anyone who criticized management felt it at the annual appraisal interview. “The headmasters simply made the decision, without explanation, without talking to us,” says one teacher. An extremely authoritarian management style is also criticized.

“They turned all processes upside down, from the bell to the budget to ordering teaching materials,” says another teacher. The management is also criticized by the mothers and fathers whose children go to school in Rüterwis. The Parents’ Association sent a tough letter to the local council, school board and head of education on Tuesday that was signed by over 100 people.

Mass layoffs are piling up

School president Claudia Irniger and head of education Urs Rechsteiner do not deny that the school is confronted with a number of problems. In an interview with the newspaper, however, they are convinced that the situation is better than it was in November. “But we didn’t expect so many teachers to quit.”

Such mass layoffs are currently piling up. But this is not a coincidence, because the only regular termination date for teachers who want to change jobs at the end of the school year is March 31st. This allows teachers to change positions at the end of the school year. In order to improve the communication of the school management, they are now receiving leadership coaching. In the meantime, it may be months before the team of teachers at Rüterwis is complete once more.

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The conflict between the school administration and the teachers at Rüterwis primary school in Zollikon has reached a breaking point with the resignation of 25 teachers. The teachers cited the authoritarian management style of the new school management, which has caused tensions and affected day-to-day operations. The situation has been deemed a crisis, with parents expressing concerns and over 100 people signing a letter of complaint to local authorities. While leadership coaching is being provided to address communication issues, it is uncertain when the team of teachers at Rüterwis will be complete once more. Mass layoffs are currently piling up, and it remains to be seen how the situation will be resolved.



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