Togo: Budget-consuming Summit Without Real Social Impact!

Photo: DR

Apart from the framework, it was difficult to find out whether there was indeed a difference between this seminar and the one that the government might have organized in Lomé, without it being necessary to invite who knows what economists, what experts or specialists from who knows which country. But nothing has been found in terms of added value, apart from the participation of what the government calls “experts”, who are none other than Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa at the sub-level – Secretary General of the UN, and the regular at this meeting Dominique Strauss-Kahn, former head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Guests to whom the Togolese must now get used to, because without them, obviously, Togo would be nothing. The real question is: what would Faure’s Togo be without these Sherpas? The latter have always occupied the high end of the government table, they whisper in Faure’s ear to whom better. The Dominique Strauss-Kahn and company are our spin doctors. They are our Bernard-Henri Lévy, our Jacques Attali, those thanks to whom the destiny of Togo is formed, consolidated, refined. Also invented. Those without whom the day would not dawn in Togo. But the impact of their participation in this kind of meeting – the cost of which we don’t even dare to estimate – is still pending, even if it costs an arm and a leg.

When a Dominique Strauss-Kahn arrives in Lomé, it is not to play the good Samaritans, quite the contrary. The same goes for his alter ego Carlos Lopes. Additions that will be paid by a taxpayer who has not asked that an ordinary council of ministers be made into a seminar that required the installation of air-conditioned tents, not to mention the expenses of each of these members of the government during these three days away from the capital. As for the repercussions to fall on the Togolese lambda following this seminar, very clever which will enlighten the opinion.

We only know that there is a regime determined to play the propaganda card, even if it means bleeding the country’s already moribund economy. We only know that to preserve his reign from any sharing, from any alternation, the Gnassingbé clan is ready to do anything to put in his pocket the acolytes of an international community which will not hesitate to support him, in the name of the law of elevator return.

Source: The Corrector /



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