Including replacing oil with apple juice while baking.. 7 alternatives to make meals healthier

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) — Many people may think that they do not have the opportunity to enjoy a healthy Ramadan, or a healthy life in general, because of their intense love for fried foods, rice, and sweets.

In fact, they do not have to take extreme measures and avoid these foods.

However, to live better they can rely on replacing unhealthy ingredients with healthier ones.

And the official account of the Saudi Ministry of Health shared, in a tweet on Twitter, some examples that you can apply during the month of fasting.

Here are 7 examples of healthy food alternatives in Ramadan:

  • Replace white rice with brown rice

White rice isn’t bad, but brown rice contains more fiber and nutrients that keep you feeling full for longer.

  • Replace white pasta with wholegrain pasta

Whole grains help you feel full and full, which contributes to maintaining a healthy weight during Ramadan.

  • Replace the oil with applesauce when baking

Replace half the amount of oil called for in muffin recipes with applesauce, cutting calories without losing flavor or texture.

And remember that oil may increase the risk of obesity, atherosclerosis, and heart disease.

  • Replace full-fat cheese with reduced-fat cheese

Incorporate low-fat cheeses into recipes to reduce calories and saturated fat without losing flavor.

  • Replace salt with herbs and spices

The use of fresh or dried herbs and spices adds a new flavor to meals, and it also helps to avoid sodium that may cause high blood pressure, heart and kidney problems, in addition to dehydration of the body.

  • Replace sweets with dark chocolate and fruits

Try dark chocolate because it contains antioxidants that are good for heart health, and avoid those that are full of sugar and artificial colors, as they may cause tooth decay.

  • Replace hydrogenated oils with natural oils

Avoid hydrogenated oils while cooking, as they affect cholesterol levels in the body and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. And you can replace them with natural oils such as olive oil and avocado.



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