Travel advisory: deadly tick virus detected in Europe

Nature lovers should exercise extra caution on future trips to the UK, where a deadly tick-borne virus has been identified in several areas.

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Health officials in the UK confirmed several cases of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV), a potentially deadly virus transmitted by tick bites, on Wednesday, according to The Guardian.

“Even if the risk to the general public is low, it is important to take precautions to avoid tick bites, covering ankles and legs, applying insecticide and inspecting clothing and body for ticks, especially following visiting areas with tall grass,” said Dr Helen Callaby of the UK Health Security Agency.

Present in several parts of the world, the virus can cause asymptomatic infection or mild flu-like illness as well as serious nervous system infection such as meningitis or encephalitis, a condition that causes the brain to swell.

Public health thus invites to be extra careful in kind in Europe, since the virus might be beyond the sectors where it has already been detected, that is to say in the south and east of the United Kingdom. , in Hampshire, Dorset, Norfolk, as well as in several sectors of the North, in Scotland.



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