VIDEO. A festive, clownish and colorful “March of the Noses” to defend children’s rights all the way to the United Nations

the essential
The “March of the Noses” stopped in Auch this Wednesday, April 5th. More than a hundred children participated in this event which aims to defend the right to wonder and to childhood. Music, songs and laughter punctuated the walk on the banks of the Gers.

Wearing a red nose is strongly recommended this Wednesday, April 5 to enter the Ortholan garden in Auch. And the very many children are more than happy to respect this rule of the Gers “Marche des Nez”. Hats on the head for some, placards in the hands for others. The meeting, organized by Clowns sans frontières, CIRCa, the company L’Attraction celeste and Unicef, is well prepared.

This national event, launched by the NGO, wants to defend, through a manifesto, the rights to childhood and wonder. And that goes through laughter and play. A dozen “real” clowns animate the parade that starts from the Auscitain park. Juggling, soap bubbles but also fanfare transform this wandering into a joyful procession.

This first Marche des Nez Gersoise brought together more than a hundred people.
DDM – Sébastien Lapeyrère

“The march of the nose, the march of the nose” sing in chorus the participants, accompanied by the clarinet, the trombone or the percussion while crossing the Treille bridge. Unicef ​​volunteers keep traffic flowing while Servane Guittier, member of Attraction Céleste, amuses motorists as the young procession reaches the banks of the Gers.

On the way that leads them to CIRCa, the children proudly show their signs to passers-by amused by this joyful troop. “We like to play the clown”, “Humour is my friend” or even “Let’s have fun” are written in colorful letters on these panels and accompany the song “Let the children play” to the forecourt of the Dôme de Gascogne, where volunteers from Clowns Without Borders present the main lines of advocacy.

The joyful wandering joined CIRCa via the banks.

The joyful wandering joined CIRCa via the banks.
DDM – Sébastien Lapeyrère

This manifesto for “the right to childhood, and access to wonder for all, throughout life” circulates throughout France, according to the routes of the various “Marches des Nez” organized . Clowns Without Borders then wants to bring this document to the United Nations in Geneva.

The children carried signs carefully prepared especially for the day.

The children carried signs carefully prepared especially for the day.
DDM – Sébastien Lapeyrère

But this Wednesday, it is in Auch that the Circassians want to challenge the public on children’s rights. The followingnoon ends around a big ball for the participants in the march while at the end of the day, the adults are invited to a clown evening, during which advocacy is once more put forward, in parallel with testimonies, before the “March of the Noses” joins La Romieu this Saturday, April 8.



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