Politeness: the art of conversation

Behaving well during a discussion is not always easy… To do the best and converse politely, we answer the necessary questions!

Should we say ‘you’ or ‘you’?

It is not because familiarity is more and more frequent that it should become the norm. In general, the familiarity is rather a sign of rallying, of belonging to a group, of accepting the other … but, sometimes, the use of “you” can be perceived as a lack of respect. During a first meetingit is preferable to be formal, even a person younger than yourself, otherwise you will seem to want to mark a hierarchical or social superiority. After a first contact, it is generally the oldest person, in a higher hierarchical position or the one who receives who will decide: “Maybe we might say you?”.

What to do when you don’t know what to say?

It is customary to say that,in a conversation, silence should not exceed 8 to 9 seconds. The problem is that we don’t always know how to revive it. The solution ? Keep in mind that the art of conversation is to highlight the other. For this, we can use the “5 W” technique: Who, What, Where, when, Whyand eventually How (Who, What, Where, When, Why and How).

Should controversy be avoided?

Whatever the occasion, pay attention to the topics covered. If a controversial subject comes to the heart of the discussion, it is best to remain neutral. And if we manage to redirect the conversation to a less delicate subject, that’s even better! Do not argue with the first comer but only with people you know and who you know are reasonable enough not to spout nonsense and cover themselves with ridicule”, advised Aristotle. It is still true. If you are totally opposed to the subject, uncomfortable and unable to remain neutral, it is best to end the conversation and walk away pretending to have something to do rather than inflaming the discussion.

Can we interrupt a discussion or is it rude?

Interrupt a person who is speaking is a rudeness notorious. If the situation requires it (professional discussion, aberration …), it is best to use the non-verbal communication to indicate that one wishes to speak. In all cases, we wait until the person has finished his sentence and we make sure to apologize for interrupting him.

Is it polite to talk regarding yourself?

Talk only regarding yourself or monopolize the attentionattention is not the thing to do. It’s a bit an unconscious way of crying out loudspeaker: “I want to be loved”explains ns . Less we talk regarding ourselves, the more we show off because itThis discretion brings a note of mystery inciting curiosity and encouraging the attention of the interlocutor!

We avoid monopolizing a person

Isolated ? Uncomfortable ? When someone comes to save us by speaking to us… Phew! But this nis no reason to cling to her. Moreover, it is even impolite to “hold back” it: if another person comes to challenge our interlocutor, we let him join her… and we go to another group!

Can we talk regarding a person in his absence?

Talk regarding a person when they’re not there? It’s neat! Except to say good things regarding it, of course…. Similarly, it can be indelicate to ccriticize certain professions (lawyers, teachers, doctors, etc.) because it is not impossible thata guest exercises this job …



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