‘I refuse to share my bed unless she showers first…she says I’m exaggerating’

Shower in the morning or in the evening? A 33-year-old man started the debate on Reddit by posting anonymously.

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He explains that he is “proud that she has such an important job”, his wife being a gynecologist.

The man adds that he is however “uncomfortable with the idea of ​​sharing his bed with her if she has not showered first”.

“I asked her to take a shower before going to bed, but she believes it is not necessary and my request is unreasonable. She defends that she wears gloves and takes precautions to avoid contamination and that she changes her uniform regularly, ”he adds.

The man says he feels “still uncomfortable with potential exposure to body fluids and I don’t believe a quick shower before bed is an unreasonable request.”

Given his wife’s firm stance on this, he finally resigned himself to sleeping on the couch in the living room.

The opinion of Reddit users is mixed.

A midwife responds: “Healthcare workers should always shower, directly upon arriving, from work. Also, I believe everyone should take a shower following work and at least a quick wash before bed.”

“Guy, do you know what precautions these people take? She’s not getting any cash on her, you’re basically calling her unsanitary when she’s probably cleaner than you are,” another person retorts.

– According to information from The Mirror



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