Chile Vamos presented its pension reform proposal to the Government

Chile Vamos delivered to the Government its own pension reform proposal, which is made up of seven thematic axes.

Los Bank leaders Frank Sauerbaum (RN), Guillermo Ramírez (UDI) and Francisco Undurraga (Evópoli) presented the document to the labor minister, Jeanette Jara, on Tuesday.

The parliamentarians maintained that with this action “We reiterate our commitment to carry out a pension reform that, along with increasing current and future pensions, encourages formal work, safeguards individual savings and public finances, and is capable of reflecting the majority sentiment expressed by Chileans, such as ownership of the funds, their heritability, solidarity with state resources and freedom of choice in the administration”.

The proposal delivered addresses seven points that are, that the additional contribution of 6% be delivered in full in the individual capitalization accounts; that workers own their pension savings and contributions; that private and public pension managers can compete on equal terms; strengthen the Universal Guaranteed Pension (PGU) by increasing the amount delivered until it reaches 250,000; that the Internal Revenue Service (SII) carry out collection tasks for unpaid contributions; that pension education begin to be taught and that labor formality be encouraged.

In this regard, Sauerbaum (RN) specified that “we believe that we all have to give in. But what I want to make clear is that, just as there was a constitutional agreement, the political parties have to commit to a pension reform as soon as possible to give a better current and future pension to retirees and for that we have delayed all these months in being able to convince all sectors that we must sit at the table and be able to commit ourselves with the Chileans to have a good provisional reform”.

Meanwhile, Ramírez (UDI) stated that the proposal delivered “sustainable over time, it will not break the system that increases pensions immediately and it is very important for us that it protects the ownership of the funds.”

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“The funds will belong to the workers, they will be inherited, the worker will be able to choose who manages them and that is something that the government project does not have, and we believe that it is important to sit down at the table to discuss it,” he added.

Likewise, Undurraga (Evópoli) explained that “our proposal has the favoritism of the people. There is no doubt that we have to improve the pension of all Chileans, but respecting individual savings and ownership of the funds. For our part, the votes will be there to achieve a good agreement that goes along the lines of raising workers’ pensions, strengthening the Universal Guaranteed Pension and increasing individual savings”.

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