Burundi Eco Burundi awarded in the fight against HIV

Burundi received a recognition award on Monday March 6, 2023, awarded by the Presidential Emergency Plan for the fight once morest AIDS (PEPFAR), for the results achieved from 95/95/95 concerning the elimination of HIV/AIDS in the country. Nevertheless, the fight once morest this scourge continues.

Burundi has made progress in achieving the 90-90-90 targets, that is to say that 89% of people living with HIV have known their status, 98% have been put on ARV treatment and 90% of treated people no longer develop a viral load.

“From 2012 to 2022, the rate of mother-to-child HIV transmission decreased from 10.08 to 4.62 and the evolution of new infections decreased from 3.115 to 2.304,” reads the report. of HIV/AIDS/STI control activities.

Efforts made

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a plague recognized in various countries of the world and has seen its appearance in Burundi since 1983. To prevent it, we have focused in particular on the prevention of the transmission of HIV by sexual means. , by blood and the prevention of HIV transmission from mother to child.

The report of the Review of the National Plan for the Fight once morest AIDS of March 15, 2022, shows that the country has made progress in achieving the 90-90-90 objectives, that is to say that 89% of people living with HIV have known their status, 98% have been put on ARV treatment and 90% of people treated no longer develop a viral load.

According to this same report, certain strategies have been implemented to achieve these results, among others: the decentralization of services, the readiness of the country to apply WHO recommendations for the prevention and treatment of HIV, the participation of community organizations and communities to raise public awareness, financial support from the Global Fund and PEPFAR and the commitment of health providers and community health workers…

What can be done to put an end to this disease?

Despite this improvement, HIV persists. Burundians should not throw in the towel because this scourge has not been completely eradicated. Other means of prevention such as the use of condoms, management of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), voluntary screening should be reinforced.



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