What do grapes do to the kidney?

The kidneys are crucial organs for the normal functioning of the body. They perform key functions, such as filtering and keeping the blood free of waste products from food.

The US National Library of Medicine explains that inside each kidney are a million tiny structures called nephrons, which filter waste and excess water from the blood, which becomes urine.

“Most kidney diseases attack the nephrons. This damage causes the kidneys to be unable to remove waste. Causes include genetic problems, injuries, or medications.” appreciate the aforementioned source.

To take care of these organs, it is important to eat products low in fat and salt; drink plenty of fluids, reduce the consumption of processed foods and eliminate salt from the diet, as well as sweets and alcohol. Some fruits are useful when it comes to caring for these organs. One of them is the grape.

According to the lifestyle portal unCOMOpurple grapes are an effective alternative to help cleanse the kidneys. Its antioxidant and detoxifying properties stand out, which favor kidney function to eliminate toxins and get rid of substances that are harmful to the body.

Along these lines, the Cuerpo Mente portal ensures that this fruit is rich in potassium and organic acids that stimulate the kidneys, facilitating their diuretic action and the elimination of waste substances, such as uric acid. In addition to containing 80% water, calcium and other alkaline elements that enhance its diuretic effects.

Other healthy fruits for the kidney

Besides grapes, other kidney-healthy fruits include watermelon, pineapple, and blueberries.

  • Watermelon: This fruit contains significant amounts of water, which gives it cleansing and diuretic properties that help detoxify and clean different organs of the body, such as the kidneys. It is also beneficial for kidney function and blood flow, according to information from the Gastrolab portal in Mexico. It is rich in antioxidants, protectors of some toxic substances that affect the kidney.
  • Blueberries: These fruits provide antioxidants that help remove waste and the body to get rid of free radicals. “Its properties strengthen the proper functioning of the kidneys and prevent infections, preventing bacteria from remaining on the walls of the gastrointestinal system,” says the Come Fruta portal, from Spain.

Recommendations to take care of the kidneys

Specialists say that to keep the kidneys healthy, the first thing to do is control diseases that have a direct impact on them, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

To deal with these conditions, it is important to consume healthy foods such as fresh fruits and fresh or frozen vegetables, whole grains, and semi-skimmed or skimmed dairy products. It is key to reduce salt and the intake of foods with added sugar.

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